Police Surgery Dates – January & February 2016

pcso cartoon character super hero in frodsham
Neil Flanagan – PCSO for Frodsham

Come and Meet Your Local PCSO – Neil Flanagan, at Castle Park House, the home of Frodsham Town Council

Police surgeries are to be held on the following days:


WEDNESDAY 6 – 9am to 10am
MONDAY 11 – 10am to 11am
THURSDAY 21 – 10am to 11am
MONDAY 25 – 6.30pm to 7.30pm
(prior to the Town Council Meeting)


MONDAY 1 – 11am to 12pm
MONDAY 8 – 10am to 11am
MONDAY 22 – 6.30pm to 7.30pm
(prior to the Town Council Meeting)

If you would like to discuss any issue that is of concern to you, such as anti-social behaviour, parking or speeding then please feel free to come and chat to Neil. A confidential space in which to talk would be available if necessary.

Contact details:
Frodsham Town Council, Castle Park, Frodsham, WA6 6SB
Tel no. 01928 735150
Email: council@frodsham.gov.uk

Click here for download a PDF with details of the PCSO surgeries in January 2016 >>Click here for download a PDF with details of the PCSO surgeries in February 2016 >