PCSO Surgery Dates – Castle Park Nov 15

pcso cartoon character super hero in frodsham
Neil Flanagan – PCSO for Frodsham

Come and Meet Your Local PCSO – Neil Flanagan, at Castle Park House, the home of Frodsham Town Council

Police surgeries are to be held on the following days:

MONDAY 2 – 10am & 11am
THURSDAY 12 – 10am & 11am
MONDAY 23 – 6.30pm – 7.30pm
(prior to the Town Council Meeting)

Look out for further dates in December 2015!

If you would like to discuss any issue that is of concern to you, such as anti-social behaviour, parking or speeding then please feel free to come and chat to Neil. A confidential space in which to talk would be available if necessary.

Contact details:
Frodsham Town Council, Castle Park, Frodsham, WA6 6SB
Tel no. 01928 735150
Email: council@frodsham.gov.uk

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