To: All Frodsham Residents/Businesses
As one of the Judges for this year’s Community Pride Cheshire competition I am very aware of the criteria to win one of these prestigious awards.
With that in mind I want to raise awareness that judging for the preliminary rounds has now started and judges may visit Frodsham at any time. It is important we all do our part in helping wherever we can to ensure clean, tidy, up-to-date notice boards, benches, flower displays and general tidiness – no litter (or dog poo!).
So if you are out and about keep your eyes peeled for offending items, out of date posters etc. Encourage local businesses and town centre shops to put on a good show for the Town.
It’s great to be part of the Community Pride Competition and it will help Councillor Sara Wakefield in her bid for Frodsham in the Great British High Street Competition.
If you spot problems around the town please report them to FTC/CWaC as appropriate and we can get them put right quickly.”
Many thanks
Cllr Mallie Poulton
Deputy Mayor