Wanted – People who care about people

Trustee vacancies

Since 2011 Rural Community Services (RCS), providing services known as OPAL Services, has been helping others in rural West Cheshire to live the lives they want to lead. Rural life can become quite difficult and isolating for older people. RCS offers OPAL services across the rural parts of the borough which aim to enhance people’s lives and tackle the issue of loneliness and isolation.

We are led by a board of trustees with a range of professional backgrounds and skills and we are looking to expand our team. This is an exciting time of growth for us and we seek skilled people to join us on this journey. The people we are looking for will want to make a difference in the lives of older people. We are all passionate about our mission and we are looking for others who feel the same. No previous board experience is needed although it would be helpful. We welcome applications from people of all ages and backgrounds. We will offer trustees training and we pay out of pocket expenses to our trustees. Enthusiasm and commitment are the most important qualities we are looking for.

We expect the time commitment needed for the role to vary between 4-10 hours per month and the duties would include:

  • Attendance at quarterly board meetings with time in between to read all papers
  • Attendance at subcommittee and task group meetings (this could be another 4 meetings per year)
  • Engaging with RCS activities, projects, training and events

The board has identified a number of key skills which would complement our existing team and help us develop in the future. These include: expertise in dementia, expertise in contracts and legal work, commissioning of health care, volunteer management, and social media expertise.

We have an application pack available from Linda Middleton, our Administrator. Please contact Linda at: linda.middleton@opalservices.org.uk If you would like to contact us informally to find out more about the organisation or the role please email your details to Jane Colville, our current Chair at jane.colville@opalservices.org.uk

Feel free to learn more about us by looking at our website, www.opalservices.org.uk

The closing date for applications is 30.04.17