Mayor’s Letter to Residents

The Mayor has written to residents living in the immediate vicinity of next week’s Fun Fair and on the route of  the St George’s Day Parade about his Youth & Community Festival Weekend.

Dear Residents & Businesses

Youth & Community Festival Weekend – 21-24 April 2017

I, as Mayor, am holding a weekend of celebration of youth and community activities, involving various events around Frodsham. Two events will affect you directly:

  • Fun Fair and events at the Leisure Centre
  • St George’s Day Parade from Community Centre to St Laurence’s Church

The Fun Fair has a curfew of 10pm each night -Thursday to Saturday and 6pm on Sunday.

As the Fun Fair is at the Leisure Centre they will have no overflow car parking available from Thursday morning to Monday morning 24 April.

The Parade will gather at 1pm at the Community Centre to process at 2pm to St Laurence’s Church. Traffic management will be operation and diversions, where possible, will be in place.

I hope you understand that this is a one-off festival for Frodsham. I apologise for any disruption, which I have made every effort to minimise. I do hope you will be able to join me in some of the weekend’s events.

Respectfully yours


Cllr Mallie Poulton
Frodsham Mayor