Frodsham Town Council has agreed to go ahead with renovations to the local park at Townfield Lane.
Over the past few months a working group, comprised of Frodsham Town Councillors and local residents, has been working on plans to improve the park. This follows a public consultation last year resulting in the decision to renew the lease on the Townfield Lane Park site and to improve the equipment.
Plans include putting in 2 new swings and a basket swing, 2 toddler swings, a double racing slide next to the existing ‘wavy’ slide, renovating the current equipment (wavy slide, pedestal slide, climber, and goal post), a web climber, a snakes and ladders game with a dice spinner panel, a trim trail and grass lock safety matting. A picture of what the park will look like, and a plan are shown below.
The Council is working with Wicksteed Playgrounds to confirm a date for installation, which it is hoped will be within the next few months.
If you have any questions please contact the Town Clerk, Hazel Catt, on 01928 735150.