An opportunity to tender for commissioning and maintaining the Christmas lights that are such a feature of Christmas in our historic market town.
Frodsham Town Council is required by Local Authority Financial Guidelines to re-tender for work that it regularly contracts. This does not in any way show any dissatisfaction with our current contractor.
FTC provides Christmas lights (in strings on catenary wires, on lampposts and on trees) along Main Street, Church Street and a small section of High Street, and a lit Christmas tree near the Bears Paw.
We wish to offer a 3-year contract for the following services relating to our Christmas lights:
- Full check of the Christmas lights – on trees, lampposts and catenary wires – replace any bulbs that are not working (bulbs provided by FTC).
- Christmas Tree – be available the 3rd Saturday or Sunday on November to install the Christmas tree lights
- Christmas Festival switch-on – provide 12 members of staff to switch on the lights at 6.30pm on 4th Saturday in November. The lights need to switch on simultaneously at several points throughout the town.
- Christmas lights – monitor and ensure Christmas lights are working properly from 4th Saturday in November until the end of the holiday season, with the tree being removed on a Sunday.
Please feel free to contact me for any further information or to arrange a site visit with our Estates Manager on 01928 735150 or
Please send an itemised quotation to the Town Clerk at the address below marked Xmas Lights Tender by Friday 27 July 2018:
Hazel Catt
Town Clerk
Frodsham Town Council
Castle Park House
Castle Park