Planning for Traveller Sites

Cheshire West and Chester Council is preparing a Traveller Development Plan Document (DPD) which will identify sites to meet the need for Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpersons accommodation in the area.

The first stage in preparing the DPD is the ‘Issues’ consultation, which asks for the views of stakeholders and interested parties about the approach to site selection. As part of the consultation there is also a call for sites, which invites respondents to provide details of any sites that might be suitable for Traveller accommodation.

The consultation will take place between 16 July and 5 October. All documents can be viewed online at

Comments can be submitted online at the above link, by email to or by post to:
Planning Policy team
Cheshire West and Chester Council
4 Civic Way
Ellesmere Port
CH65 0BE

All responses should be received by 5pm on Friday 5 October 2018.

Site suggestions can be sent by email or post as above.