Later this month, Frodsham’s Townswomen’s Guild will be celebrating its 75th Anniversary.
The Guild was formed under the Chairmanship of Mrs Elsie Greening on March 27th 1944 after a meeting at the Bourne Methodist School in Main Street Frodsham.
Over the years, many charities have benefited from the money raised at Guild concerts with the Drama Group and Choir providing the entertainment. The Choir is still active, entertaining local groups and churches.
Members will enjoy a celebratory cake at their AGM on the 19th March, followed by an afternoon tea at the Old Hall Frodsham on the 27th March.
Visitors are always welcome to Guild meetings. These take place on the third Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm in Frodsham Community Centre and include presentations from a wide variety of speakers.
For further information, contact Linda Thomas (Guild Secretary) on 01928 733061.