Hob Hey Wood Friends Group was set up in May 2018 to help look after this ancient semi-natural woodland, which is a rare and declining habitat in Britain.
In a short time, the group has made significant progress in getting the necessary items in place such as a constitution, insurance, and bank account as well as performing lots of necessary work in the wood. We’ve also been successful in applying for a couple of grants and more are in the pipeline.
We are looking for more volunteers as the more people who help out, the more that we can do. We have a management plant that focuses on two areas:
Making the wood safe and easy to access for visitors.
Improving the habitat for wildlife.
Work completed
The group has, in a short time, completed over 160 hours of practical conservation volunteering to date.
- Created over 20 metres of dead wood hedging.
- Re-coppiced 5 large coppice stools.
- Planted a hedge with over 300 trees.
- Extended the Hob Hey Wood community orchard.
- Cut up and made safe several trees that had fallen onto paths.
Find out more and get involved
The use of the wood appears to have increased due to the efforts of the Friends Group on social media. We’ve been contacted for advice and had feedback from people who have then visited for the first time. A good result!
Visit our website or Facebook page to see much more about the wood and the activities of the Friends Group.
Anyone who wants to join can either contact us on Facebook or email us at hobheywood@gmail.com.