Town Council Play Areas Now Open

Frodsham Town Council’s four equipped play areas in the town (Churchfields, Park Lane, Top Road and Townfield Lane) are now open again, but please read these simple instructions and plan ahead for safe fun this summer.

The equipment is checked regularly for damage, wear and tear, but is not sanitised or disinfected.

  • This is shared equipment, used at your own risk.
  • Do not use this equipment if you or any member of your household has coronavirus symptoms, or are self-isolating.
  • Make sure you have hand sanitiser with you before entering the play area.
  • Encourage everyone in your family to wash their hands with hand sanitiser regularly and as a minimum before and after using the play area.
  • Encourage children to avoid touching their faces.
  • You MUST maintain social distancing from others unless they are from the same household – current advice is to maintain at least 1m and consider wearing a face mask.
  • Some equipment can only be used by one child at a time while social distancing. Please ensure your family waits at a safe distance if the equipment is in use or return later to use the equipment.
  • Try to avoid busy times.
  • If your family is wearing disposable PPE, please take it home with you or where provided use the bins – DO NOT LITTER.
  • Wash your hands when you get home.

Please think about others when using the play areas – thank you for helping to keep everyone safe.