Mayor’s Report

Former Councillor Liam Jones reports on his year as Frodsham’s youngest ever Mayor. Liam has now resigned from Frodsham Town Council to concentrate on his university studies and Cllr Caroline Ashton has taken over the mayoral role.

Liam writes:

My time as the Mayor of Frodsham has now come to an end, it has been a pleasure and a tremendous honour to have served as your Mayor for Frodsham.

I am happy to report to you since my investiture in May 2019, thanks to the efforts and support from Frodsham businesses, charities, individuals and the Junior Mayors Robyn and Eva that we have raised over £2000 which has been split amongst Frodsham Youth Association, Castle Park Arts Centre, HEAL (Happy Enriched Active Lives) and the NCRUG (North Cheshire Rail Users Group). Unfortunately, due to Covid19 we had to cancel a fundraiser, the G&T night, where we were on target to reach £3000.

I was delighted to host Frodsham’s first ever Silver Sunday in October 2019, a free afternoon of tea, cake, sandwiches, packed with local entertainment at Kings Church in Frodsham, one of over 1100 events that took place across our great United Kingdom to help celebrate older people.

I was delighted to host the first Mayor’s Civic awards held aboard the Daniel Adamson Steamship in November 2019 to recognise local heroes for their contributions to our community. I have travelled and been part of very many Frodsham community events and in Cheshire.

I am also pleased since becoming a councillor 5 years ago, that the money the Town Council grants to Frodsham Youth Association has increased from £8,000.00 to £10,000.00. This is a charity the Council now proudly and strongly supports, considering the Council spends £12,000.00 each year on over 70’s vouchers scheme.

I am also pleased since becoming the Chair of the Council’s Planning committee over 2 years ago that we have more councillors on the committee contributing to the debate on how Frodsham’s built environment is to be shaped. The committee has also gone paperless, viewing planning applications via a projector screen for all to see, so that we’re all on the same page – pardon the pun. Instead of printing multiple copies of needless paper. As well as viewing applications under the Licensing Act 2003/Gambling Act. With one of the most interesting meetings we’ve had was to discuss CWaC’s application for the demolition of the Goods Shed, which saw over 100 objections online and 15 members of the public in attendance to speak on the matter to oppose its demolition. As we look to rebuild our local economy, the Cheshire West and Chester owned Frodsham Goods shed would be a terrific means of stimulating our economy if it were to be restored and made into a community hub.

See a full list of Liam’s engagements as Mayor.

Some images from Liam’s year as Mayor