Healthwatch Across Cheshire Reports published


Healthwatch Cheshire are pleased to publish the attached report detailing the feedback received in Frodsham, Helsby and Elton during our Healthwatch Across Cheshire activity. Reports can also be found on our websites:

Click below for a pdf copy of the full report

Frodsham Helsby and Elton – Healthwatch Across Cheshire Report Sep-Nov 2021

Over a 9-week period from 20 September to 19 November 2021, as COVID-19 restrictions were being lifted, Healthwatch Cheshire took out our engagement stands and a promotional van to find out what matters most to people about their local health and care, and to share key information about health, care, and support.

Conversations were focused around topics people had been contacting us about over the preceding months, such as COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters, flu jabs, and access to services including GP Practices and dentistry. As well as these topics, conversations with those who plan and deliver services and support locally, identified that other priorities in Cheshire included pharmacies, self-care, promoting recruitment into the care sector, and voluntary sector support.

We have broken down people’s feedback into individual Care Community summaries to help inform the development of services and support at a local level and to make sure our information is as useful as possible.

This feedback from people across Cheshire is designed to help the local NHS, Local Authorities, and Care Community Steering Groups, to plan how to meet the health, care, wellbeing and support needs of people in Cheshire. It will also feed into Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA), Place plans, and the priorities of Integrated Care Partnerships.

Many thanks


George Gibson
Communications and Research Officer
Landline – 0300 323 0006

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