A56 Chester Road Cycleway Improvement Scheme Update

A56 Chester Road – Active Travel Scheme

Roadworks Update 6 – Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Work is continuing on the construction of the active travel improvement scheme between Helsby High School and Frodsham.

Apologies for the delay in sending this update but a number of staff members have been struck down with COVID-related illness and we have also had the Easter break.

Programme of Works

Unfortunately, we have been hit with a number of delays on the scheme – COVID/staffing, additional unforeseen works needed (such as drainage repairs and additional kerbing) and delays with utilities (electrical connections to street lighting).  These issues have held up the completion of the south side, before we could begin work on the north side of the A56.

A number of bank holidays within the next few weeks means our current programme is now running into June for completion.  No works are expected on the bank holidays and traffic management will be removed in order to minimise any potential delays due to greater volumes of traffic on these dates.

The scheme programme will now continue with work on the northside of the A56 in a series of phases (refer to schematic phasing plan below, to be used as a guide only).

Note: the toucan crossing will be switched on and up and running for use during the daytime on Wednesday 27 April.  The construction work will also switch over on the same day, in order to start work on the north side (school side) of the A56.

WORKS UPDATE: From 27 April:

Phases 5a and 5b. Work will continue predominantly under two phases of traffic signals again.  For safety reasons the north side footway will be closed.  Pedestrians will now be transferred to use the south side footway and, as a temporary measure, use of the new cycleway facility up to the Frodsham end of the scheme.  Pedestrians will use the new toucan crossing at the Helsby High School end of the works and a temporary facility will be in use when required at the Tarvin Road/Frodsham end of the works, to provide safe crossing facilities for diverted pedestrians.

Phasing plan below (please note that these locations are indicative and may slightly change on site when required, please just use as a guide only):

Red – Phase 1 – Section 1a (solid line) and 1b (dashed line)
Blue – Phase 2 – Section 2a and 2b
Light green – Phase 3 – Section 3a and 3b
Yellow – Phase 4
Pink – Phase 5 – Section 5a and 5b
Dark Green – Phase 6 – Section 6a and 6b
Orange – phase 7

A56 Cycleway Scheme update 5 img











Please note that the temporary enforceable reduced speed limit of 30mph is still in place from Proffits Lane (near to the school) up to Dig Lane, Frodsham and will continue to remain in place for the full duration of the works.

Unfortunately, as with all construction works some disruption is inevitable.  We will always work with local residents, businesses and schools to try to reduce any such impact wherever possible.  If you have any queries regarding the scheme please do not hesitate to contact us on 0300 123  7 036.

Lead officer:
Sian Williams – Area Engineer for Contract Delivery
Cheshire West and Chester Council