***** Frodsham Town Clock Update *****
The original town clock was installed in 1927 at the centre of Frodsham on a cast iron column. The original clock was relocated to Church Street on the building which is now occupied by Kash 22 in 2000 and a new clock was installed on the original cast iron column. Whilst the clock installed in 2000 has been maintained, no maintenance has been carried out on the cast iron column. The column and clock sit in the centre of the main A56 at the junction of High Street and Church Street and form a significant iconic landmark in the centre of the market town of Frodsham.
As part of the commitment to maintaining civic pride within the Town, the Town Clerk requested a quotation, from Smith of Derby who currently hold the maintenance contract for the clock, for a quote for refurbishment. This quote went to the Amenities Committee on 12th June. The agenda, minutes and podcast are available here: https://frodsham.gov.uk/events/event/amenities-committee-21/. Discussion on the refurbishment of the clock took place under agenda item 13. The quotation for consideration was included within the agenda pack and is also available on the website, agenda item 13c. In this document it is suggested that the clock could potentially be moved from the centre of the busy A56 to an alternative location within Frodsham, at no additional cost. Costs of any work, including routine maintenance, are exacerbated by the requirement for lane closures on the busy A56 and use of scaffolding equipment which is necessary for H&S.
Please note that, to carry out the restoration, the clock would be moved from its location and taken to the Derby workshop for works to be carried out to both the clock and the column. Full details are available within the document.
At the Amenities Committee meeting it was resolved under item ref: 12/06/23/13d(i) to ask residents for alternative suggestions for a location for the clock via Frodsham Town Council Facebook page and local noticeboards, either through the FTC Facebook page or directly to the Town Clerk by email. The consultation runs until 25th July 2023 and to date the overwhelming consensus is for the clock to remain in its current location following restoration.
FTC are currently seeking alternative quotations for the works which will need to be carried out by a specialist contractor. Both the consultation and subsequent quotations will be discussed at the next Amenities Committee to be held on 14th August at Frodsham Arts Centre. All residents are welcome to attend.