Amenities Committee

Event Details

Meeting 6 (2021/22)

6. Amenities Committee January 17 2022

6. Amenities Committee draft minutes January 17

72.Apologies for absence

To receive apologies.

73.Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

74.Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

75.Approval of minutes

To approve the minutes of the meeting held 15th November 2021.

5. Amenities draft minutes November 15

76.Actions from the meeting held 15th November 2021

To note actions taken as follows:


Ref Subject Outcome Action by
69b Grounds maintenance SLA It was agreed to recommend to full council (29 November 2021) to appoint Bidder B. JO
70b Ship Street play area It was proposed by Cllr McKeown, seconded by Cllr Hayes and unanimously agreed to recommend to full council (29 November 2021) to approve quote A. Cllrs Wade and Sumner did not take part in the vote. JO


77.Memorial path

  1. To note the report from the meeting with Harrison Design Development held on 22nd December 2021
  2. To approve the design and timescale (5 mins)
  3. To consider whether to include the area around the monument in the scheme at an additional cost of between £20,000 and £39,000 depending on design

77a. Memorial path meeting

78.Grounds maintenance SLA

  1. To note that a meeting has been arranged with Northwich Town Council to clarify any items on the service level agreement. This meeting will be attended by Cllr Hayes (Chair of FTC) and Cllr Wade (acting Chair Amenities Committee)
  2. To note that the SLA contains line items for Manley Road Copse and determine action to be taken:


Manley Road Copse Litter pick / inspection 12 12 Monthly report
Manley Road Copse Strim path 6 6 April – October
Manley Road Copse Hedge cutting 1 1 road hedge, top & both sides, clear of footpath


79.Play area inspections

  1. To note the report provided by the Clerk with regard to play area reports/actions
  2. To note the inspections carried out by Northwich Town Council on 5th January 2022
  3. To note quotations received and agree action to be taken     (5 mins)
  4. To note the report provided by Cllr C Ashton and L Sumner in relation to Churchfields

79b. Frodsham – Churchfields (2022-01-05)

79b. Frodsham – Park Lane (2022-01-05)

79b. Frodsham – Top Road (2022-01-05)

79b. FTC Ship Street (2022-01-05)


  1. To note that the replacement benches for the cemetery have been delivered to Northwich Town Council and will be installed shortly
  2. To note that council has previously granted delegated authority to the Town Clerk to order and arrange for installation of benches around the town once licences have been received from Cheshire West and Chester Council

81.Marshlands Tree Garden

  1. To note that a budget of £2,000 has been approved
  2. To consider action to be taken

82.Christmas tree lights

  1. To note that a budget of £14,000 has been approved to replace the lights in the wrapped trees
  2. To consider action to be taken

83.Ship Street play area

  1. To note that RSK has been appointed as project manager
  2. To agree Cllr attendance at a Zoom meeting to be held with representatives of RSK
  3. To consider locking the gates whilst works are taking place

84.Clerk’s report – information only

85.Date of next meeting

Monday 7th March 2022

86.Close of meeting