Amenities Committee

Event Details

Gallery 2, Castle Park Arts Centre, Castle Park, Frodsham, WA6 6SE

Agenda – Meeting 8 (2021/22)

8. Amenities Committee May 9th

8. Amenities Committee Minutes – May 9th


102.      Apologies for absence

To receive apologies.

103.      Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

104.      Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

105.      Approval of minutes

To approve the minutes of the meeting held 7th March 2022

105. Amenities Committee March 7th draft minutes

106.      Actions from the meeting held March 2022

  1. To note actions taken in table below:
  2. To agree any further actions to be taken


93(b) Cycle North Cheshire It was agreed to set up a Zoom working group to look at collaborative ways of working and to include an invite for interested members of the public to attend.  It was noted that Cllr Sumner, Cllr Lowrie and Cllr Eakin would like to be involved with the group.  Meeting to be advertised on social media. JO sent email to all cllrs to ask whether they wished to be involved.  Contact details for LS, PL and PE shared with Steve Pemberton to arrange meeting, inform FTC and FTC to advertise meeting on social media.
95 Benches Clerk to chase licences for benches with CWAC.
96 Memorial path It was agreed (5:1) to: approve the fee for the extra works around the memorial; commit to new planting; approve the quote for tree removal.  It was further resolved to put the contract out to tender inviting AJK Plant Hire, WE Parsons, Ground Control and Horticon to submit tenders for the works. Clerk to liase with HDD and circulate tender documents once received.  Confirmed fees and trees 8/03/2022.
97(a) Play area repairs It was resolved (5:2) to accept the quotation in the sum of £1,704.20 for  supply and install Ranger Tri Table to replace damaged one and secure 1 x goal post. Clerk to instruct. Instructed 8/03/2022
97(e) Play area repairs It was agreed that the Clerk will obtain quotes from NTC for items identified in the report provided by Cllr Sumner Quotes requested 8/03/2022
98(a) Ship Street play area Clerk to follow up railing paining with Warbreck due to lack of progress and concerns regarding repair of railings. email sent to Warbreck asking for an update 8/03/2022
98(c) Ship Street play area Clerk to circulate all design documents and cost sheet once provided by RSK. Circulated 6/04/2022
99(c) Hob Hey Wood It was agreed to accept the quote, provided to Hob Hey Wood Friends, in the sum of £500, from Hilldale Ltd and make the payment to Hob Hey Wood Friends. Transfer made 8/03/2022


107.      Amenities Committee Accounts 2021 to 2022

To note Amenities Committee annual expenditure against budget as at 31 March 2022 together with expenditure for March 2022 (Month 12) as follows:



Actual Month (12)


Actual Year To Date


Current Annual Bud


Variance Annual Total


Funds Available


% Spent

170 Amenities
2021 Grounds Maintenance SLA 3,008 36,560 35,329 (1,231) (1,231) 103.5%
4760 Play areas add works 0 380 0 (380) (380) 0.0%
4803 Play Area repairs/refurb 2,055 3,541 20,000 16,459 16,459 17.7%
4804 Tree Works 0 810 2,000 1,190 1,190 40.5%
4805 Hob Hey Wood 500 5,461 5,100 (361) (361) 107.1%
4806 Defibrillator Maintenance 0 167 2,000 1,833 1,833 8.3%
4807 Replacement Lights 0 0 12,000 12,000 12,000 0.0%
4808 Bulbs 0 0 100 100 100 0.0%
4809 Rent & Rates 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0%
4811 Street Furniture 0 758 2,000 1,242 1,242 37.9%
4812 Xmas Light Bulbs 0 538 750 212 212 71.7%
4813 Additional grounds maint 196 911 0 (911) (911) 0.0%
4814 Manley Road Copse 0 516 2,000 1,484 1,484 25.8%
4815 Marshlands 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0%
4990 Sundries (325) 0 0 0 0 0.0%
4991 Memorial path EMR 0 2,063 30,000 27,938 27,938 6.9%
4999 Ship Street Play Area 2,260 2,260 150,000 147,740 147,740 1.5%
5000 Annual RoSPA 325 325 325 0 0 100.0%
Amenities :- Indirect Expenditure 8,020 54,289 265,604 211,315 211,315 20.4%


108.      Benches

To receive an update

109.      Memorial path

  1. To note that works are progressing, documents have been approved and put out to tender to 3 companies, one of which has declined to tender due to volume of work and time-scales.
  2. To note that tenders must be returned by 12.00 hrs on Thursday 19th May 2022, by email clearly marked Tender for Frodsham Memorial Path. The return address for tenders is: Town Clerk, Frodsham Town Council –
  3. To note that the tender will be marked on 40% quality and 60% price basis. The Method Statements/Programmes and proposed Sub Contractors will form the basis of the quality marking element, the pricing schedule the basis for the price section.
  4. To note that the documents that must be returned are. 1. Answers to the ‘Project Specific Questions’ which should include: 2. the Form of tender; 3. Methodology inc method Statements; 4.


A proposed programme of works, 5. List of proposed sub contractors 6. A priced schedule of works, including a digital copy in excel format, for Frodsham Memorial Path. 7. Evidence that the company holds the following • Employers Liability Insurance to a value of £10 million, • Public Liability Insurance to £5 million, • Professional Indemnity Insurance £0.25 million.

110.      Play areas

  1. To note the play area inspections carried out in April 2022 and circulated to members of the Amenities Committee with the agenda.
  2. To consider the quotation received from Northwich Town Council for replacement goal posts at Churchfields as circulated to members of the Amenities Committee.
  3. To consider additional quotation for works identified in the play area reports
  4. To receive a report from the Clerk with regards to Top Road play area and note that a meeting has been arranged with Peter Atkinson (Rights of Way, CWAC) to discuss maintenance of the public rights of way.
  5. To agree further actions to be taken.

111.       Ship Street play area

  1. To note that a meeting took place on 4th May 2022, attended by Cllr Griffiths, Jo O’Donoghue (Town Clerk) and Colin Burke (Contracts Manager, Warbreck Engineering and Construction) and it is estimated that the works will be completed in approximately 10 days depending on the weather.
  2. To note that a meeting took place on 6th April attended by Cllrs Hayes, Griffiths, Wade and Jo O’Donoghue (Town Clerk) and that it was anticipated that tender documents would be available for approval before the end of April 2022.
  3. To receive a report from Cllr Wade following a meeting with Green Gates Community Project
  4. To agree action to be taken

112.      Clerk’s report

To receive any additional report and consider any actions to be taken.

113.      Meeting dates

To agree the meeting dates for 2022 to 2023 for recommendation to full council.

114.      Close of meeting