Agenda – Meeting 1 (2021/22)
Amenities Committee Agenda 13-07-21
Amenities Committee Minutes 13-07-21
1. To appoint a Chair of Committee
2. To appoint a Vice Chair of Committee
3. Apologies for absence
To receive apologies.
4. Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.
5. Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:
6. Approval of minutes
- To approve the minutes of meeting 9 held 19th April 2021
6a. Amenities Minutes April-19-2021 (1) - To approve the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held 26th April 2021
6b. Amenities Extraordinary Minutes April-26 (1)
7. Amenities working group
To note the report from the meeting held on 8th June 2021.
8. Amenities Committee Terms of Reference
To approve the Terms of Reference.
9. Planning and Amenities Committee
To consider a proposal to recommend to full Council that the Planning and Amenities Committee be merged and meet monthly on a Tuesday at 6.30pm.
10.Quotation for repair/replacement of hanging basket brackets
To note the quotation received and agree action to be taken.
10. Hanging basket bracket repair
11.Crowmere Lake
- To note that a resident has requested permission to introduce carp to the lake and the unsuitability due to the size and topography of the habitat
- To agree action to be taken
12.War memorial car park
- To note the anti social behaviour reported to Frodsham Town Council and action taken to date
- To agree any action to be taken
13.War memorial path
- To consider appointing a Project Manager for the works (to produce the specification, support tender process, appointment of contractor and overseeing the project from conception to completion)
- To consider a proposal to request formal quotations for memorial path
14.Green Gates Community Group
- To receive a report
- To agree actions to be taken
15.Grounds maintenance
- To note that a costs benefit analysis has been carried out to determine whether to consider employing a groundsman
- To consider the reviewed SLA and decide whether to go out to tender with the document (tender documents previously approved) using Contract Finder as (previously agreed)
- To receive an update from Cllr Griffiths
- To agree action to be taken
17.Play area maintenance
- To note the inspection reports carried out 6/07/2021 and works required
- To note the quotations received for play area repairs
17b. FTC play area repairs - To note the quotations received for play area grounds maintenance
18.Replacement trees
- To note that the Welcome Back fund is designed to encourage people to visit their local shops post COVID-19
- To note that the Committee agreed on 19th April 2021 to use funds from the Community Infrastructure Levy to purchase 21 trees at £15/tree including stake
19.Hob Hey Wood
To receive an update from Hob Hey Wood Friends.
20.Manley Road Copse
To accept the WI/Manley Road Copse Constitution
20. WI-Manley Road Copse Constitution
21.Frodsham and Helsby Future Offer (Cheshire West and Chester Consultation)
To receive an update from Cllr Stockton
22.The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC)
To consider taking part in a tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022:
23.Clerk’s report
To receive a report from the Clerk