Amenities Committee

Event Details

Meeting 6 (2022/23)

Minutes will be made available as soon as possible after the meeting.

6. Amenities Committee Agenda 12-12-2022

6. Amenities Committee Minutes 12-12-2022

34. Apologies and Reasons for Absence

To receive apologies and note reasons for absence from members.

35. Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

36. Public Participations

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

37. Approval of Minutes

To approve and sign the Minutes of the Amenities Committee held on 14th November 2022 (attached).

5. Amenities Committee Minutes 14-11-2022

38. Play Area Repairs at Churchfields

  1. To note previously identified issues with thickness, drainage, trip hazard edging and holes in the current tigermulch surfacing with the possibility to budget for replacement with carpet surfacing.
  2. To receive a quotation for the supply and fitting new U bolts to swing and install swing back onto frame.
  3. To note trip hazard at edge of swing set surfacing.
  4. To consider urgent repairs to the safety surface of the wooden bridge, guard rail and timber sleepers following receipt of further information, recommending to Full Council if necessary.
  5. To consider action for algae on surfacing, graffiti and strimmer damage.

38. For Info; Churchfields-27-7-2022-1727281-ANL-Frodsham+Town+Council

38. Frodsham – Churchfields (2022-11-22 13-53)

38. Frodsham – Churchfields (2022-11-29 13-53)

39. Wheelchair Accessible Swing

  1. To receive information shared with Frodsham Town Council from CWAC regarding safety of wheelchair swings (attached).
  2. To note the features of the Ability Swing (attached) with an enclosure and ability to lock the swing which is specifically designed to be installed in an open play area.
  3. To note the government green paper (attached) “Every Child Matters: Change for Children” in reference to children with disabilities the Children’s Act 2004 and joint commissioning.
  4. To discuss the feasibility of a wheelchair accessible swing and possible locations.
  5. To discuss collaboration with Cheshire West & Chester.

39. (a) Wheelchair Swing Background Information

39. (b) Swings AbilitySwing with Enclosure – Wheelchair Swing

39. (c) 2004-ecm-change-for-children


40. Budget 2023/2024

  1. To further discuss potential projects for Amenities Budget for 2023/24, previous budget information also attached for comparison. (attached)
  2. To agree suggestions for the 2023/24 Amenities Budget.

40. a) (21-22 Budget preceptreport

40. Amenities Committee Budget Notes 2023

40. Ship Street Play Area

To receive an update on the project.

41. Town Clock

  1. To receive an update on the recent repair and maintenance visit.
  2. To consider additional works to the clock as per the attached report.

41. (b) Clock Proposal SoD – 02 DEC 2022

Terms and Conditions of Smith of Derby Limited – Traditional and New Clock Services – March 2021 – V2

42. Bench Relocation Request

To receive a request from a member of the public to relocate a bench, that was originally placed on Memorial Hill, to Tarvin Road Cemetery.

43. Trees at Green Gates

  1. To note advice on topping trees from a tree specialist:

      b. To consider the feasibility of topping the trees at Green Gates Play Area, following a complaint from a resident regarding leaves.

Date of next meeting – 9th January 2023

Close of meeting