Meeting 7 (2022/23)
7. Amenities Committee Agenda 09-01-2023
7. Amenities Committee Minutes 09-01-2023
44. Apologies and Reasons for Absence
To receive apologies and note reasons for absence from members.
45. Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.
46. Public Participations
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:
47. Approval of Minutes
To approve and sign the Minutes of the Amenities Committee held on 12th December 2022 (attached).
6. Amenities Committee Minutes 12-12-2022
48. Play Area Repairs at Churchfields
- To receive an update on works agreed at the last meeting: repairs to the swing were actioned in December.
- To receive an update on whether contractor has environmentally friendly substitute to weedkiller to prevent timber damage to wooden equipment.
- To receive quotations for carpet surfacing to replace tiger-mulch
48. Weedkiller sapphire-msds_4 (2)
49. Accessible Play Equipment
To appoint members to a Working Group which would report to the Amenities Committee.
50. Ship Street Play Area
To receive an update on the project.
51. Goods Shed Renovation
To appoint members to a Working Group, reporting to the Amenities Committee.
52. Castle Park Trust
- To note the missing lead on the conservatory roof.
- To discuss the next steps on reporting the repair
53. Special Recognition
To congratulate Mr T. Blundell for being awarded the British Empire Medal (Civil Division).
Frodsham Resident Tom Blundell is awarded the British Empire Medal
54. Town Clock
To receive an update from Smith of Derby on the status of the clock SLA:
The company has been unable to set-up long term agreement for maintenance as the clock requires two
engineers, and there are too many unknowns to commit to a yearly price.
Date of next meeting – 13th February 2023
Close of meeting