Amenities Committee

Event Details

Meeting 4 (2019/21)

This meeting was held in accordance with Local Authorities and Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Crime Panels Meeting) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020

Members of the public were invited to join the meeting via Zoom.

Amenities Committee Agenda 13-10-2020

Amenities Committee Minutes 13-10-2020

Video Recording

Audio Recording


46.Apologies for absence

To receive apologies

47.Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda

47. Councillor reminder for declaring interests

48.Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

49.Minutes of meetings to be approved

To agree and sign the minutes of the Amenities Committee Meeting held 11th February 2020

49. Amenities Minutes 11-02-2020

50.Amenities Committee Terms of Reference

To note terms of reference agreed by full council 28th September 2020

50. ToR 2020-2021

51.Finance report – Amenities Committee

To note the finance report (Appendix A)

52.Hob Hey Wood

52.1    To note that 2 quotations have been received for repair of the boardwalk.  Quote A £7,640 and Quote B £4,800 (circulated to Committee Members) and accept the recommendation of Hob Hey Wood Friends as to appointment of contractor.

52.2    To note that the calendars will cost £85 more than the approved cost of £300 and determine whether this can be paid out of budget code 4085 – Hob Hey Wood.

53.3    To note that 300 envelopes will be required for the calendar and determine whether this can be paid out of budget code 3085 – Hob Hey Wood.

53.Ship Street play area

53.1    To receive a report from Cllr Hayes following the Options Appraisal Working Group Meeting.

53.2    To consider a request from Cllr Sumner to install: 3 x donated benches; dog poo bags and signage.


To note list of Public Rights of Way within Frodsham, maintained by Cheshire West and Chester Council and agree any action to be taken

55.Service Level Agreements – Grounds Maintenance

55.1    To consider Service Level Agreement #1 and determine whether any changes/additions need to be made (copy provided to Cllrs) from April 2021.

55.2    To consider Service Level Agreement #2 and determine whether any changes/additions need to be made (copy provided to Cllrs) from April 2021.

56.Memorial bench – Frodsham Hill

To consider a request from a resident to install a memorial bench on Frodsham Hill in memory of their young son.

57.Cheshire West and Chester Consultation – Shaping future health and wellbeing services

57.1    To note that the consultation document explains that Frodsham Leisure Centre is not fit for purpose and proposes that plans to provide a sustainable health, leisure, wellbeing and library service to the Frodsham/Helsby area would be developed maximising the use of community facilities and external funding opportunities:

57.2    To determine Frodsham Town Council’s response to the consultation.

58.Christmas tree and Christmas lights

58.1    To note that KDE will be installing new light bulbs (cost of bulbs £2,486) and repairing any broken sections of wiring commencing Sunday 11th October.  All festoon lights will be tested together with the lights in the wrapped trees.

58.2    To receive a report from Cllr J Critchley from the Christmas Working Group regarding the Christmas tree.

59.Winter planting

To consider providing winter hanging baskets to replace the summer planting at a cost of £2,116 as follows:

Planting of 49 x hanging baskets £1127

Planting of 14 lamppost baskets £254.00

Installation of all of the above baskets £367.50

Removal of all of the above baskets, disposal of waste and storage of baskets £367.50

There would be an additional charge for watering which will be weather dependant.

60.To receive a report from the Clerk

61.Date of next meeting – 8th December 2020

62.Close of meeting
