Amenities Committee

Event Details

Meeting 10 (2022/23)


10. Amenities Committee Agenda 17-04-2023

10. Amenities Committee Minutes 17-04-2023

81.  Apologies and reasons for absence

To receive apologies and note reasons for absence from members.

82.  Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

83.  Public participation

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC  policy on public speaking at meetings:

84.  Approval of minutes

To approve and sign the minutes of the Amenities Committee held on 13th March 2023.

84. Amenities Committee Minutes 13-03-2023

85.  Grounds inspections

To note the recent inspections which have taken place under the service level agreement.

85. Grounds maintenance reports

85. Inspections overview

86.  Terms of reference

  1. To note terms of reference common to all committees
  2. To consider and approve the terms of reference for the Amenities Committee
  3. To recommend the terms of reference to the Policy, Process and Revenue Committee for acceptance

86a. Terms of Reference common to all committees

86b. Amenities Committee ToR 2023

87.  Marshlands

  1. To receive the Japanese Knotweed survey as instructed following the meeting held on 13th February 2023 (minute ref: 13/02/2023/63b)
  2. To consider and accept the quotation received to treat the Japanese Knotweed.

87a. Japanese Knotweed survey and quote

88.  Ship Street play area

  1. To receive a verbal report from the Clerk prior to the opening of the play area
  2. To note a report from Cllr Wade following a meeting with members of the Greengates Community Project in relation to the official opening of the play area.
  3. To agree action to be taken.

89.  Cemetery

To consider and approve the quotation to carry out a tree survey in Tarvin Road cemetery.

90.  Fields in Trust

To resolve to register the Ship Street play area with the Fields in Trust.

91.  Clerk’s report

To receive any further report from the Clerk.

92.  Date of next meeting

To be confirmed

93.  Close of meeting