Agenda – Meeting 1 (2023/24)
1. Amenities Committee Agenda 12-06-2023
1. Amenities Committee Minutes 12-06-2023
1. To appoint a Chair
2. To appoint a Vice Chair
3. Apologies and reasons for absence
To receive apologies and note reasons for absence from members.
4. Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.
5. Public participation
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:
6. Approval of minutes
To approve and sign the minutes of the Amenities Committee held on 17th April 2023.
6. Amenities Committee Minutes 17-04-2023
7. Terms of reference
To note that the terms of reference were approved by full council on 24th April 2023.
7-8. Amenities-Committee-ToR-2023-24 & budget
8. Budget 2023-24
To note the budget agreed by full council on 9th January 2023.
9. Play area inspections
- To note the annual inspections carried out by RoSPA Play Safety at Churchfields, Top Road, Park Lane and Townfield Road.
- To note the summary report provided by the Clerk.
- To agree actions to be taken.
9a. Churchfields11-05-2023_15-10-28_SI0000227097
9a. Top_Road11-05-2023_15-08-21_SI0000227095
9a. Park_Lane11-05-2023_15-09-26_SI0000227096
9a. Townfield_Lane_Play_Area11-05-2023_14-48-42_SI0000223138
10. Tarvin Road Cemetery
- To note the tree survey report.
- To note that 2 quotations have been received for tree works identified by the survey.
- To appoint a contractor to carry out the tree works.
11. Green Gates Park
- To receive a verbal report from Cllr Hayes following the opening of Green Gates Park.
- To consider installation of a noticeboard on the park instead of installing various mounted signs.
- To note that the cost of watering the plants (per visit) is £250 and that this sum was included in the original quotation from Horticon.
- To note that regular inspections of the play area will be added to the SLA for Northwich Town Council together with emptying the bins.
- To consider installing self-closing gates.
- To agree any further actions to be taken.
12. Allotments
To consider purchase of software to map and manage allotments at an initial cost of £600 with ongoing annual fee of £139 fixed for a 5-year period. This would represent a considerable saving in admin time to manage the allotments going forward.
12. Quote 18378 Edge allotment software
13. Town Clock
- To note that works have been approved to carry out repairs to the clock face and hands which requires a lane closure to complete the works. The cost of the land closure is in the region of £2,000 and will require permission from CWAC Highways.
- To note that the clock column is in need of refurbishment.
- To note that a quotation has been sought from Smith of Derby to carry out the works to the clock and column and this will be available at the meeting (report to be received 12th June 2023). It is anticipated that the total cost will be in the region of £15,000 to £20,000 and that grant funding is available.
- To agree actions to be taken.
14. Clerk’s report
To receive any additional report