Amenities Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 6 (2023/24)

Amenities Committee Meeting Pack 13-11-2023

6. Amenities Committee Agenda 13-11-2023

6. Amenities Committee Minutes 13-11-2023

1.    Apologies and reasons for absence

To receive apologies and note reasons for absence from members.

2.    Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

3.    Public participation

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC  policy on public speaking at meetings:

4.    Approval of minutes

To approve and sign the minutes of the Amenities Committee held on 9th October 2023.

5.    Green Gates Park

  1. To note that the Clerk is meeting with the project manager to address concerns regarding the maintenance of the park during the retention period and the failure of the building contractors to action issues raised.
  2. To note that Northwich Town Council is in the process of costing the on-going maintenance of the play area and has identified a number of design/installation concerns.
  3. To note that Cllr Sumner has met with members of the Green Gates Community Project who would be happy to carry out some maintenance/over-sight once the retention period comes to an end in August 2024.
  4. To consider any other actions to be taken.

6.    Play areas

  1. To note the play area report.
  2. To agree any further actions to be taken.

7.    Budget Review

  1. To note that it will be necessary to include additional sums for on-going maintenance of Green Gates Community Park.
  2. To note that it will be necessary to include additional sums for on-going maintenance to the clock currently located on the Kash 22 building in Church Street.

8.    Plastic Free Frodsham

  1. To note the report provided by Cllr Hayes.
  2. To agree further action to be taken.

9.    Community Orchards (item deferred from the meeting held on 9th October 2023)

  1. To note that Cllr Sumner has visited each of the orchards owned by Frodsham Town Council, together with Climate Change Action and has requested improved signage to Ship Street Orchard, Hob Hey Wood Orchard and Hawthorne Road Orchard.
  2. To note that there is no signage on Churchfields Orchard.
  3. To agree action to be taken.

10.  Frodsham Active Travel Working Group

  1. To note the report provided by the group.
  2. To note the request to spend £150 from the 2023/24 budget (code 4816) on Bike Maintenance Course to be delivered by Chester Based Charity Bren Bikes. The course would be open to residents and held in Castle Park.
  3. To note that the Amenities Committee considered the draft budget for 2024/25 at the meeting held on 9th October and that a sum of £10,000 was agreed for Frodsham Active Travel (code 4816)
  4. To agree any further actions to be taken.

11.  Climate & Ecology Bill 2023

  1. To note the draft document provided by the Clerk.
  2. To consider supporting the Bill which is due its second reading of 24th November 2023 and approving the draft document (a).

12.  Collaborative Meetings

  1. To note that members of FTC met with CWAC representatives to look at the signage within the town.
  2. To consider any actions to be taken following the meetings.

13.  Community Tree Planting

To note the invitation to join The Woodland Trust at one of several community tree planting days planned at the former Frodsham Golf Course:

14.  WI request for funding

  1. To note that the group made a request for grant funding of £748 to carry out improvements to the paths in Manley Copse which was refused as there is already a budget of £1,000 for the copse which remains unspent in the 2023/24 financial year:
    1 Clearing paths of weeds and overanging branches.
    2         Laying weed control membrane supplied by Gleaves.
    3         Spreading wood chips supplied by Frodsham Tree Solutions.
    4         Coppicing of hazel. Branches to be used to create growing structure.
  2. To consider releasing the funds to the group to enable the pathworks to be carried out.

15.  Clerk’s report

To receive any additional report

16.  Date of next meeting – 11th December 2023

Close of meeting