Agenda – Meeting 7 (2023/24)
Amenities Committee Meeting Pack 11-12-2023
7. Amenities Committee Minutes 11-12-2023
1. Apologies and reasons for absence
To receive apologies and note reasons for absence from members.
2. Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.
3. Public participation
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:
4. Approval of minutes
To approve and sign the minutes of the Amenities Committee held on 13th November 2023 (included in meeting pack).
5. Finance report
- To receive the report to date (included in meeting pack).
- To consider an amendment to the proposed budget to move the £10,000 budget figure for play area refurbishments into an earmarked reserve (EMR) to enable a fund to be build up for use in future years.
6. Green Gates Park
- To receive the report provided by the clerk in relation to tree works carried out under Quote 1540 (included in meeting pack)
- To note any further report provided by the clerk.
- To agree any further actions to be taken.
7. Community Orchards (item deferred as Cllr Sumner was unable to attend Amenities Committee Meeting held on and October 9th October 2023 and 13th November 2023 due to CWAC responsibilities/meetings)
- To receive a report from Cllr Sumner on the signage in the orchards owned by Frodsham Town Council: Ship Street Orchard, Hob Hey Wood Orchard, Hawthorne Road Orchard and Churchfields Orchard.
- To agree action to be taken.
8. Hob Hey Wood
To receive the annual report (included in meeting pack)
9. Memorial Plaque
To note the report (included in meeting pack)
10. 2023-24 Winter Gritting Scheme
To note that 22 residents agreed to be involved, as per the conditions of the scheme, 42 bags of grit were delivered to residents on 17th November 2023. Any further deliveries will depend on weather conditions and will be approved under Clerk’s delegation.
11. Clerk’s report
To receive any additional report