Agenda – Meeting 1 (2024/25)
Amenities Committee Meeting Pack 10-06-2024
1. Amenities Committee Minutes 10-06-2024
1. To appoint a Chair
2. To appoint a Vice Chair
3. Apologies and reasons for absence
To receive apologies and note reasons for absence from members.
4. Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.
5. Public Rights of Way
(a) To welcome Liz Holmes, Public Rights of Way Officer, Cheshire West and Chester Council
(b) To note the outcome of discussions with the tenant of Top Road field and Footpath 20
6. Public participation
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings.
7. Approval of minutes
To approve and sign the minutes of the Amenities Committee held on 13th May 2024.
8. Green Gates Community Park
(b) To receive an update from the Clerk
(c) To agree any further actions to be taken.
9. Christmas lights
To approve the quotation for a full survey to be carried out on all Christmas lights, both catenary and tree lights.
10. Hob Hey Wood Orchard
(a) To receive a report from Cllr Hayes regarding renaming the orchard and improving the signage.
(b) To agree action to be taken.
11. Seats & commemorative benches policy 2021-2031
(a) To note the existing policy
(b) To agree action to be taken.
12. Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council (Frodsham) Air Quality Management Order 2015 (No 1)
(a) To note that Cheshire West and Chester Council propose to revoke the Air Quality Management Area in Frodsham following significant and continued improvements in air quality and are carrying out a consultation with a closure date of 16th June 2024.
(b) To agree any action to be taken.
13. Request for tree pruning
To consider a request from a resident on Blue Hatch for tree pruning to be carried out