Amenities Committee

Event Details

Amenities Committee Minutes 11-11-2024

Amenities Committee Meeting Pack 11-11-2024

Agenda – Meeting 6 (2024/25)

Meeting 6
1. Apologies and reasons for absence
To receive apologies and note reasons for absence from members.

2. Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

3. Public participation
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings.

4. Approval of minutes
To approve and sign the minutes of the Amenities Committee held on 14th October 2024.

5. Remembrance garden working group (Cllr R Lofts [lead],Cllr J Critchley Cllr M Neild, Cllr G Wood & Cllr L Sumner)
(a) To consider the quotation for installation and fabrication of a memorial tree.
(b) To receive any further report from Cllr Lofts.
(c) To agree any further action to be taken.

6. Christmas street lighting working group (Cllr Neild [lead], Cllr D Critchley, Cllr J Critchley, Cllr Lowrie & Cllr Sumner)
(a) To note the report provided by Cllr Nield (deferred from the meeting held 14th October 2024).
(b) To agree any action to be taken.

7. Hob Hey Wood
To consider the quotation received for improved drainage (deferred from the meeting held 14th October 2024) pending further information.

8. Works instructed
(a) Cut the oak that has destroyed bridge and smaller failed tree and leave stacked as habitat creation (£750.00).
(b) Fell the ash tree on bank to safe height cut and leave stacked habitat creation (£950.00).
(c) Replacement metal trellis at Green Gates Community Park between the uprights (£1,145).
(d) Remove vegetation from building at the cemetery (£120).

9. Finance report
(a) To note the finance report provided (in meeting pack).
(b) To agree any actions to be taken.

10. Budget
(a) To note the amendment to the budget approved on 14th October 2024 to include the additional EMR for the cemetery following the refund of non domestic rates (in meeting pack).
(b) To approve a budget for tree planting in the orchards.
(c) To consider any further revisions/additions.

11. Daffodil planting
(a) To note that Ron Sale organised the planting of 1,000 daffodil and tulip bulbs along the A56 with the support of the Scouts.
(b) To propose a vote of thanks to the volunteers

12. Active Travel
To note the minutes from the meeting held 23rd October 2024 (in meeting pack).

13. Clerk’s report
To receive any further report/updates from the Town Clerk.

14. Date of next meeting – 9th December 2024

15. Close of meeting