Agenda – Meeting 7 (2019/21)
This meeting was held in accordance with Local Authorities and Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Crime Panels Meeting) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020
Members of the public were invited to join the meeting via Zoom.
Amenities Committee Agenda 9-02-2021
Amenities Committee Minutes 9-02-2021
Audio recording
Video recording
91 To appoint a Chair
92 To appoint a Vice Chair
93 Apologies for absence
To receive apologies
94 Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda
95 Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:
96 Minutes of meetings to be approved
- To approve and sign the minutes of the Amenities Committee Meeting held 8th December 2020
96(a). Amenities Minutes 8-12-2020 (7) - To approve and sign the minutes of the Amenities Committee Meeting held 17th December 2020
96(b). Amenities Minutes 17-12-2020 (7)
97 Finance Report
- To note budget 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021 – £67,630
97(a). Budget 2020-2021 (7) - To note detailed expenditure
97(b). Detailed expenditure (7) - To note expenditure 1st April 2020 to 31st January 2021 – £28,416
97(c). Cost centre report (7) - To approve the report
98 Committee Members
To receive a report from Cllrs involved in inviting members of the community to join the Amenities Committee as non-voting members. ACTION: 17/12/2020/83
99 Grounds Maintenance SLA
- To note progress to date by Cllr Hayes and J O’Donoghue ACTION: 17/12/2020/84(b)
- To agree further action to be taken
100 Hob Hey Wood Friends Group
To receive a written report from M Sullivan
101 Memorial Path/Bench Working Group
- To note the Terms of Reference agreed by the MPB Working Group (circulated) and receive a report from Cllr Griffiths
- To agree further action to be taken
102 Play Areas
a. To note the recent play area inspections carried out in January 2021 by Northwich Town Council. None of the works were classified as urgent and are listed as follows:
Top Road (14/01/2021)
- Play surface needs cleaning
- Gate closing too quickly (TC has investigated this previously and the only option is a new gate)
- Fence line needs cutting bar of brambles
- Swings require cleaning
Townfield Lane (19/02/2021)
- Signs require cleaning
- Trim hedge
- Relay rubber tiles under seating
- Cover exposed foundation under embankment slide
- Clean steps to slide
- Secure dice panel play board in place
- Remove old fence panel
Churchfields (19/01/2021)
- Replace broken bench slats
- Consider repairs to Supanova which is showing cracks
- Replace safety surface under bike springer
- Replace safety surface under tractor springer
- Top up goal mouth
- Weed kill safety surface
Park Lane (26/01/2021)
- Remove moss on paths
- Consider action on signage
- Trim back hedge line
- Trim bush
b. To agree action to be taken
103 Hanging Baskets
- To note that the winter hanging baskets will be replaced with summer baskets and that in order to ensure that there is not a gap between replacement additional baskets are required. A broken lamppost bracket also needs replacing.
- To approve quotation from Northwich Town Council as follows:
To supply 49 hanging baskets and 14 lamppost baskets£2195.51
To supply and install missing lamppost basket bracket £98.00
104 Cheshire West and Chester Council Active Travel Consultation
- To note the four week consultation period closes on Sunday 21st February 2021 - To agree action to be taken
105 Public Rights of Way
- To note correspondence from Cheshire West and Chester Council (circulated) in relation to improvements required to Footpath 74.
- To consider whether Frodsham Town Council will contribute to improvement works to FP74.
106 To receive a report from the Clerk
107 Date of next meeting – 13th April 2021
108 Close of meeting