Agenda – Meeting 2 (2021/22)
Amenities Committee Agenda 16 08 21
Amenities Draft Minutes 16 08 21
15.Apologies for absence
To receive apologies.
16.Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.
17.Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:
18.Approval of minutes
To approve the minutes of meeting 1 held 13th July 2021.
Amenities Committee Minutes 13-07-21
To note budget expenditure to date (1st April 2021 – 31st July 2021)
20.Repair/replacement of hanging basket brackets
To note that the baskets are due to be completed week commencing 16th August 2021.
21.War memorial car park
- To note the anti social behaviour reported to Frodsham Town Council, action taken to date and any update from Cheshire Police
- To agree any further action to be taken
22.Ship Street play area
- To note quotation/s received for painting the railings and agree action to be taken
- To note email received with regards to management of the project to install play area equipment on the site
- To receive a report from Cllr Sumner following a meeting of the Green Gates Community Project
- To consider granting the Green Gates Community Project permission to apply for funding from MCBF. The current round of applications closes at the end of August
- To consider providing a letter of approval / support from FTC to support the MCBF application
- To consider protecting the Ship Street play area by registering the land with Fields In Trust
23.Grounds maintenance SLA
- To receive a report from Cllr Hayes
- To note the quotation for installation and supply
- To agree action to be taken
25.Cheshire West and Chester Council Waste Consultation
- To receive a report from Cllr Stockton
- To agree any action to be taken
26.Tourist noticeboards
- To receive a report from Cllr Ashton
- To agree any actions to be taken
27.Play area maintenance
To note the following items have been instructed as authorized by Cllrs Hayes and Ashton (Quote 966)
Townfield Lane:
- Agree the works required to the rubber tiles at two benches
- Agree to relay the grass mat under the swing set
- Turf to remove trip hazard
- Repair wetpour
- Agree the works to repair the safety surface around the Supernova
- Agree the installation of two swings
28.Frodsham and Helsby Future Offer (Cheshire West and Chester Consultation)
- To receive an update from Cllr Stockton
- To agree action to be taken
29.Cycle Network Cheshire
To consider setting up a working group comprising members of FTC, HPC and Cycle Network Cheshire.
30.Weaver Navigation Society
- To note information provided by Cllr Sumner
- To consider providing a letter of support from FTC for the creation of a substantial base for the Daniel Adamson at the Sutton Weaver Swing bridge.
- To consider providing a letter of support from FTC for dredging of the River Weaver.
- To consider providing a letter of support from FTC for the restoration on Frodsham Lock
31.Clerk’s report
To receive a report from the Clerk
32.PART B – Exclusion of press and public
To consider exclusion of press and public due to the sensitive commercial nature of item 33
33.War memorial path
- To note 2 quotes have been received for project management of a 250m path and consider appointment
- To consider a proposal to request formal quotations for memorial path following the appointment of a project manager