Cemetery Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 3 (2017/18)

This meeting has been rearranged from Thursday 18 January 2018.

Cemetery Committee Agenda 2.02.18 (3)

Cemetery Committee Minutes 2.02.18 (3)

No Item
25 Apologies
26 Minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2017

To agree and sign as a true record.

Cemetery Committee Minutes 06.10.17

27 Right for the public to speak

Mrs J Owen – Commemorative Bench

Mr B Tenant – Commemorative Bench

28 Request for Commemorative Bench

To discuss a request for a commemorative bench and agree actions.

29 Cemetery Design Support
29.1 To receive an update on the design proposal for the expansion and agree any actions.
29.2 To receive an update on proposals for improving access to the existing layout and agree any actions.
30 Action Plan & Budget 2017-18

To note the Action Plan and budget for 2017-18.

29. Cemetery Action Plan for 2017-18

31 Action Plan & Budget 2018-19

To discuss and agree the Action Plan for 2018-19 and the budget needed to achieve it.

30. Action Plan 2018-19

32 Friends of Tarvin Road Cemetery
32.1 To discuss and agree Terms of Reference.

31.1 Friends of Tarvin Road Cemetery ToR

32.2 To agree the date, time and venue for an initial meeting of interested people.
33 Cemetery Report

To receive an update on trends, income and expenditure.

32. Cemetery Report January 2018

34 Business Plan

To discuss the quotations for commissioning a business Plan for the Cemetery and agree actions.

35 Exhumation Admin Charges

To receive an update and agree administrative charges for exhumations.

36 Ivy Removal

To receive an update.

37 Cemetery Toilet

To note that a RADAR lock has been fitted to the toilet.

38 Agenda items for the next meeting

To agree any additional agenda items for the next meeting.

39 Date of next meeting

19 April 2018 (7pm).
