Cemetery Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 1 (2018/19)

Cemetery Committee Agenda 28.06.18

Cemetery Committee Minutes 28.06.18

No Item
1 Appointment of Chair

To appoint the Chair

2 Appointment of Deputy Chair

To appoint the Deputy Chair

3 Apologies
4 Minutes of the meeting 4 of Cemetery Committee held on 19 April 2018

To agree and sign as a true record.

Cemetery Committee Minutes 19.04.18

5 Site Visit
5.1 To receive a verbal update on the site visit held on 17 May.
5.2 To note that the additional noticeboard has been erected.
6 Cemetery Design Support
6.1 To discuss the options for the design of the extension to the burial plots.

6. Ploy Layout Option 3

6. 045-01-02 Plot Layout Plan

6.2 To agree to extend the design contract by £534+VAT to allow for the addition work involved.
6.3 To discuss extending the cremated remains offer to include Sanctum 2000 repositories and agree actions.
7 Cemetery Training

To note SLCC are holding a training day on Tuesday 21 August and agree attendance.

8 Access Improvements

To agree the quotation for the grassloc path and dropped kerbs to trail improving access to the Family plot area.

9 Cemetery Regulations

To review and agree amendments to the regulations.

9. Cemetery Regulations 2018

9. Cemetery Management Guidance – Extract Transfer of Ownership

10 Cemetery Paperwork

To discuss and agree revised paperwork – Notice of Internment, Acceptance of Regulations, Statutory Declaration, Transfer of Ownership and Memorial Application.



10. Statutory Declaration

10. Transfer Letter

10. Memorial Permit App

11 Natural Burials

To discuss the potential for developing a woodland burial ground.

11. Charter for Natural Burial Grounds Final Sept2013

11. Guiding principles – Natural Burials

11. natural-burial-grounds-guidance

11. So you want to… open a green burial ground – Farmers Weekly

12 Repairs to water tap

To note the cost of repairs to the water tap was £45+VAT.

13 Agenda items for the next meeting

To agree any additional agenda items for the next meeting.

14 Date of next meeting(s)

19 October 2017 (3pm), 18 January 2018 (3pm) and 19 April 2018 (7pm).