Community Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 2 (2018/19)

Community Committee Agenda 14.08.18

Community Committee Minutes 14.08.18


No Item
17 Apologies for absence
18 Declarations of Interest
19 Minutes of Meeting 1 – 5.06.18

To approve and sign as a true record.

Community Committee Minutes 5.06.18

20 Opportunity for Public to Speak

No requests have been received by the Clerk.

21 Twenty mph Speed Limits in Frodsham

To note CWAC proposal to introduce 20 mph speed limits in many parts of Frodsham and to agree any actions.

21. 100 Frodsham 20MPH Speed limit leaflet 21. 113 Overton 20MPH Speed limit leaflet

21. 117 Frodsham East 20MPH Speed limit leaflet

21. 78 Frodsham North 20MPH Speed limit leaflet

22 Hanging Baskets and planters
22.1 To discuss the need for urgent repairs to the hanging basket brackets around the Town.
22.2 To discuss and agree to take over responsibility from CWAC for the planters throughout Frodsham, including winter planting.
23 Grass cutting

To discuss the potential to take over responsibility for grass cutting across Frodsham and agree any actions.

24 Grounds Maintenance SLA
24.1 To discuss issues around ground maintenance and agree any actions.
24.2 To discuss the commissioning process for 2019-20 and agree any actions.
25 Play Areas
25.1 Play Area Annual Inspection

To note the Annual Inspection report and agree any actions.

25.1 Play Area Maintenance Plan 2018

25.1 Top-Road-27-7-2018 Annual

25.1 Townfield Lane 5-7-2018 Annual

25.1 Churchfields 5-7-2018 Annual

25.1 Park Lane 5-7-2018 Annual

25.2 Monthly Inspections

To receive a verbal report from the Estates Manager on the regular monthly play area inspections and agree any actions.

25.2 Monthly inspections

25.2 Play Area Inspection Form – Churchfields

25.3 Les George OBE Memorial Award

To discuss and agree submitting in an application for this award.

25.3 Competition Details

25.4 Park Lane
25.4a To discuss the repair work to the walls and agree any actions.
25.4b To agree to submit an application to CWAC Member’s Budget towards the cost of the adult gym.
25.5 Churchfields

To discuss and agree the resurfacing of the old play area with either grassloc or bark.

26 Allotments
26.1 To note the Annual Inspection visits will take place on Sunday 19 August at 2.30pm.
26.2 To discuss a request from a neighbour of London Road Allotments for assistance with hedge maintenance and agree any actions.
27 Ship Street

To discuss and agree the cutting of the Ship Street @ £920+VAT.

28 Traffic Issues

To discuss issues raised by Sutton Weaver Parish Council over traffic congestion and agree any actions.

29 Traveller Development Plan

To note that CWAC have launched a consultation, which ends on 5 October, asking for comments on traveler issues to help them develop the Traveller Development Plan Document and agree any comments.

30 WW1 Noticeboard

To discuss WW1 Commemoration Working Groups request to have the noticeboard installed in time for the Remembrance Day services and agree any actions.

31 Christmas Lights Contract

To discuss the quotations received for the 3 year maintenance contract and agree the contractor.

32 War Memorial
32.1 To note the tenders have been received and assessed for both the restoration of the Memorial itself and the entrance gates & railing.  The quotation recommended by the Quantity Survey is £107,139.54 (Memorial work £77,086.34 & Gates £30,053.20).
32.2 To note that the professional adviser’s overall costs have increased from £6,484 to £8,035.47+VAT, due to the addition of the gates work but remain at 12.5% of the contract value.
32.3 To note that the application for the War Memorial Trust grant will be submitted before the end of September.
33 Ward Walks

To discuss the recent ward walks, any issues raised and agree any actions.

33. Report from concerned resident of Waterside Ward

34 Goods Shed

To receive an update, if available, on the future of the Goods Shed and agree any actions.

35 Town Clock

To agree to extend the bench painting contract to include the painting of the Town Clock.

36 Over 70s Voucher Scheme

36. Over 70s Voucher Scheme 2017 Final Report

36.1 To agree the timetable and rules for the scheme in 2018.

36.1 Over 70s Vouchers

36.2 To agree the costs of design and printing the vouchers and posters @ £140+VAT.
36.3 To discuss advertising @ £300+VAT and agree any actions.
37 Defibrillator
37.1 To note the defibrillator has been ordered for the District Taxi site @ £1038+VAT and Love Frodsham will reimburse the costs plus £150 for future maintenance costs.
37.2 To agree the location of the defibrillator that must be removed from the Police Station.
38 Active Cheshire Active Planning Report

To note and agree any actions.

38. Active Design Ready Assessment Summary

39 Frodsham Community Association

To agree a representative to attend FCA meetings.

40 Clerk’s updates

To note information items.

41 Next meeting – 9 October 2018
