Community Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 6 (2018/19)

Community Committee Agenda 12.02.19

Community Committee Minutes 12.02.19


No Item
96 Apologies for absence
97 Declarations of Interest
98 Minutes of Meeting 5 – 11.12.2018

To approve and sign as a true record.

Community Committee Minutes 11.12.18

99 Opportunity for Public to Speak
100 Allotments
100.1 London Road Allotments

To note that the water storage container has been ordered and works have commenced to enable the container to be sited.

100.2 Kingsway Allotments

To note that path works have been completed

100.3 Hedge Work

To note that the hedge works have been instructed at both London Road and Churchfields allotments.

101 Play Areas
101.1 Churchfields Play Area

To note that Mid Cheshire Grounds Maintenance Ltd have been instructed to install new safety flooring in the old play area.

101.2 Top Road Play Area

To note that Edwards Interiors have been instructed to paint the swing frame and the Grounds Manager will inspect the works once complete.

101.3 Townfield Lane Play Area

To consider fencing the play area, installing 2 access gates and improving disabled/wheelchair access to the site

101.4 Play Area Annual Inspections June 2018

To note works completed following the annual inspection.

101.5 S106 monies

To note that payment of £5,710.99 has been approved by CWAC which is specifically earmarked for additional play equipment on Townfield Lane Play area and agree action to be taken.

102 Replacement Hanging Basket Brackets

To note that 2 quotations have been received:  1 quotation to replace like for like (remove, repair and reinstate five sets) in the sum of £2,297.42 plus VAT; 1 quotation for removal of existing damaged brackets and replacement with standard double bracket in the sum of £390 plus VAT.

103 Drive Safely for Longer Seminar

To receive an update on the funding application and agree actions.

104 Winter Gritting Scheme
104.1 To note that: there are 19 new volunteers; 14 previous volunteers plus 5 enquiries; there were 64 bags of grit from previous years and 50 additional bags were ordered in January 2019; 92 bags have been delivered to date and there are 22 remaining bags.
104.2 To consider purchase of additional 100 bags of grit
105 War Memorial
105.1 To receive update
106 Fields in Trust
106.1 To note that the Deed of Variation has been received and signed by Cllrs Lord Pennington and Nield.
106.2 To receive an update on the applications to date from Cllr Nield.
107 Bench Painting
107.1 To note that Edwards Interiors have been instructed to paint the 2 additional benches.
108 Christmas Lights
108.1 To receive update on damage to the Christmas lights
108.2 To receive report from Cllr Brown regarding extension to Christmas lights
109 CCTV

To discuss options and agree any actions.

110 PCSO

To note position regarding surgeries, attendance at Council meetings and communication.

111 Frodsham Nursing Fund

To note closure of the charity and dispersal of the remaining funds.

112 Clerk’s updates

To note information items.

113 Next meeting – 9th April 2019
