Community Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 2 (2019/20)

Community Committee Agenda 13-08-2019

Community Committee Minutes 13-08-2019


No Item
20 Apologies for absence
21 Declarations of Interest
22 Minutes of Meeting 1 – 11/06/19

To approve and sign as a true record.

Community Committee Minutes 11-06-2019

23 Opportunity for Public to Speak
24 Allotments
24.1 To note that the annual inspection has taken place

24.1 Allotment Inspection 2019

24.2 To note complaint from allotment holder regarding hedge removal and actions taken by the Clerk
24.3 To agree any other actions to be taken
25 Play Area Annual Inspections
25.1 Churchfields

To note the report on Churchfields

25.1 Churchfields-12-7-2019

25.2 To agree actions to be taken on Churchfields
25.3 Park Lane

To note the report

25.3 Park Lane-12-7-2019

25.4 To agree actions to be taken
25.5 Top Road

To note the report

25.5 Top Road-12-7-2019

25.6 To agree actions to be taken
25.7 Townfield Lane

To note the report

25.7 Townfield Lane-12-7-2019

25.8 To agree actions to be taken
26 Council Land

To discuss and agree signage on council owned land

27 War Memorial

To receive an update and agree any actions to be taken

28 Winter Gritting Scheme

To receive a report and agree any action to be taken

2018/19 Community Gritting Scheme Application Form

29 Over 70’s Vouchers

To note report

29. Over 70s Vouchers 2019

29.1 To agree that the face value of the 2019 Frodsham Christmas Gift Vouchers should be £10
29.2 To agree the proposed timetable
29.3 To accept one of the quotes for printing the vouchers and posters
29.4 To approve the expenditure of £300 for printing the resident application form in the September edition of Frodsham Life
29.5 To agree the proposed rule changes
29.6 To approve the administration process

To note visit to CWAC control room in Chester

30.1 To agree further actions to be taken
31 Hanging Baskets

To receive a report from Cllr Jones

31.1 To agree actions to be taken
32 Rotunda

To note complaint and agree any action to be taken

33 Request from resident

To consider a request from a resident to site a plaque in the little park in memory of the Firefighters who served at the Fountain Lane Fire Station. There would be no cost to the Council.

34 Clerk’s updates

To note information items

35 Next meeting – 8th October 2019
36 Close of meeting
