Meeting 1 (2017/18)
Community Committee Agenda 20.06.17
Community Committee Minutes 20.06.17
[ftctable]No | Item |
1 | Appointment of Chair |
2 | Appointment of Deputy Chair |
3 | TOR for the year
To note the Terms of Reference agreed at the Annual Meeting on 22 May. |
4 | Apologies for absence |
5 | Declarations of Interest |
6 | Minutes of Meeting 12 – 16.05.17
To approve and sign as a true record. |
7 | Opportunity for Public to Speak
No requests have been received by the Clerk. |
8 | Community Budget 2017-18
To review the budget and agree changes. |
9 | Events Protocol
To approve the revised protocol and recommend it to council. |
10 | Play Area Annual Inspection
To note the results of the Annual Inspection, and discuss any actions. |
11 | Park Lane Play Areas |
11.1 | To note that council agreed not to sell the park. |
11.2 | To receive an update on progress from Park Lane Group and to agree any actions. |
12 | Churchfields Play Area
To note feedback from the supplier and agree actions. |
13 | Ship Street Field
To note this has been transferred to P&P. |
14 | Townfield Lane Play Area |
14.1 | To note update on the lease negotiations and agree any actions. |
14.2 | To note the notes from the Working Group meeting held 8 June, the actions that have been agreed and the following recommendation:
14.2. Working Group Notes 8.06.17 (1) R1. To approve the Terms of Reference for the Working Group. |
15 | Red Lion Bowling Green Lease
To note update. |
16 | Telephone boxes
To receive an update and agree any actions. |
17 | Christmas Festival |
17.1 | Christmas Festival Working Group
To note the next meeting is on July 26, 2pm at the Arts Centre. |
17.2 | Christmas Tree
To receive an update and agree any actions. |
18 | Memorial Field Railings |
18.1 | To receive an update on the listing. |
18.2 | To discuss the costs of repairs and agree any actions. |
19 | Clerk’s updates
To note information items. |
20 | Next meeting – 18 July 2017 |