Community Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 2 (2017/18)

Community Committee Agenda 18.07.17Community Committee Minutes 18.07.17 as amended


No Item
21 Apologies for absence
22 Declarations of Interest
23 Minutes of Meeting 1 – 20.06.17

To approve and sign as a true record.

Community Committee Minutes 20.06.17

24 Opportunity for Public to Speak

No requests have been received by the Clerk.

25 Play Areas
25.1 Funding

To review the funding that is available for implementation of the Play Strategy.

25.2 Maintenance Programme

To agree a maintenance programme following the Annual Inspection, and discuss any actions.

25.2. Play Area Maintenance Plan

25.3 Churchfields

To note feedback from the supplier and agree actions.

25.4 Townfield Lane

To note the notes from the Working Group meeting held 11 July and the decisions made.

25.4 Working Group Minutes 11.07.17 (2)

26 Red Lion Bowling Green Lease

To note that the Tenancy Agreement has now been signed and this year’s rental paid.

27 Memorial Field Railings
27.1 To receive an update on the listing.
27.2 To discuss the costs of repairs and agree any actions.
28 Field Rental Applications

To discuss and agree any rental applications.

29 War Memorial Access

To receive an update on the disabled access to the War Memorial and to consider recommending to council that it reconsiders its plan for the Remembrance Day Service.

30 Clerk’s updates

To note information items.

30. Bench Location and Condition 2017

30. Bench Condition Survey July 2017 – pictures

31 Next meeting – 15 August 2017