Community Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 3 (2017/18)

Community Committee Agenda 15.08.17 (3)

Community Committee Minutes 15.08.17 (3) Draft subject to confirmation


No Item
33 Apologies for absence
34 Declarations of Interest
35 Minutes of Meeting 2 – 18.07.17

To approve and sign as a true record.

Community Committee Minutes 18.07.17 (2) subject to confirmation

36 Opportunity for Public to Speak
36.1 Mrs P Scott – Bus Shelter Challenge
36.2 Other
37 Bus Shelter Challenge

To discuss the idea of a competition and agree actions.

38 Play Areas
38.1 Maintenance Programme

To receive an update and discuss any actions.

38.2 Churchfields

To note feedback from the contractor and agree actions.

39 Over 70s Voucher Scheme

39. Over 70s Vouchers

39.1 To agree the timetable and rules for the scheme in 2017.
39.2 To discuss advertising and agree actions.
40 Field Rental Applications

To discuss and agree any rental applications including:

Silcocks Fair – use of the community field 31 August to 3 September.

41 Allotments
41.1 To receive feedback from the Allotment Training Event.
41.2 To agree to approach CWAC about asset transfer of Ashton Drive Allotments.
42 Hanging Baskets 2018
42.1 To agree to start the tendering process for 2018 and agree the paperwork.

42.1. Hanging Baskets 2018

42.2 To discuss the potential to discuss other planter maintenance.
43 Memorial Gates

To discuss maintenance of the area around the gates and agree actions.

44 Frodsham Christmas Festival
44.1 To note the minutes of the Christmas Festival Planning Group and the decision made.

44.1. 170726 CFPG notes

44.2 To agree the expenditure from the £8000 budget.
45 New Year’s Eve Fireworks
45.1 To note the Incident Report and agree any actions.

45.1. Incident Report

45.2 To agree the quotation for NYE Firework on 31 Dec 2017.
46 Caternary Wires

To agree the testing of the catenary cables and anchor points @ £805+VAT.

47 Christmas Lights

To agree the annual maintenance on the Christmas Lights @ 950+VAT.

48 Local Councils Excellence Awards

To consider making nominations and agree actions.

48. Local Councils Excellence Awards

49 Clerk’s updates

To note information items.

50 Next meeting – 19 September 2017
