Community Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 4 (2017/18)

Community Committee Agenda 19.09.17 (4)

Community Committee Minutes 19.09.17 (4)

No Item
51 Apologies for absence
52 Declarations of Interest
53 Minutes of Meeting 3 – 15.08.17

To approve and sign as a true record.

Community Committee Minutes 15.08.17 (3)

54 Opportunity for Public to Speak
55 Play Areas
55.1 Churchfields

To note feedback from the contractor and agree actions.

To discuss the quotation for upgrading the floor surface @ £1,278+VAT.

55.2 Townfield Lane

To agree to sign the 25-year lease.

To agree the date of the next working group meeting.

55.2 Lease-Frodsham

55.3 Park Lane Play Area
55.3i To approve the final design, costs and timetable for the new play area, and recommend this to council.
55.3ii To recommend to council signing of the contract for the delivery of the new play area.
56 Field Rental Applications

To discuss and agree any rental applications.

57 Allotments

To discuss the response from CWAC about the asset transfer of Ashton Drive Allotments and agree actions.

58 Hanging Baskets 2018
58.1 To agree the tender paperwork and process.

58.1 Hanging Baskets 2018

58.2 To agree a meeting with CWAC about other planter maintenance and who should attend.
59 Frodsham Christmas Festival

To note the minutes of the Christmas Festival Planning Group held on 30 August and the decision made.

59. 170830 CFPG notes

60 New Year’s Eve Fireworks
60.1 To discuss potential sites for the fireworks display and agree action.
60.2 To agree the quotation for NYE Firework on 31 Dec 2017.
61 Local Councils Excellence Awards

To note the recommendations from the working group and agree actions.

62 Benches
62.1 To agree a quotation for the repairs to a bench on Ship Street and 2 on Townfield Play Area @ £160+VAT.
62.2 To agree the quotation for the refurbishing the benches (deadline for tenders 18.09.17)
63 Individuals in Crisis

To discuss Sainsburys Scheme and to agree actions.

63 Sainsburys Initiative

64 Cemetery
64.1 To agree to give funeral directors a key and ask them to open and close the toilets at funerals.
64.2 To receive an update and agree any actions on maintenance of the cemetery building.
65 Bellemonte Road

To discuss and agree to add and maintain a planter.

66 Clerk’s updates

To note information items.

67 Next meeting – 17 October 2017