Agenda – Meeting 7 (2017/18)
Community Committee Agenda 19.12.17 (7)
Community Committee Minutes 19.12.17 (7)
No | Item |
103 | Apologies for Absence |
104 | Declaration of Interest |
105 | Minutes of Meeting 6 – 20.11.17
To approve and sign as a true record. |
106 | Opportunity for the Public to Speak |
107 | Defibrillator
To discuss options for the new site of the defibrillator currently at the Police Station. |
108 | Gritting Scheme
To discuss the scheme and agree actions. |
109 | Action Plan & Budget 2018-19
To discuss and agree the Action Plan for 2018-19 and the budget needed to achieve it. |
110 | Play Areas |
110.1 | Park Lane |
110.1a | To receive an update on the ward meeting about the siting of the benches and agree any actions. |
110.1b | To discuss dog fouling in the area and agree actions. |
110.2 | Churchfields
To discuss the repairs report and agree any actions. |
110.3 | Townfield Lane
To note the minutes of the working group meeting held on 14 December and agree any actions. |
111 | Bank Closures
To discuss residents’ concerns over the reduction of local banking facilities and agree actions. |
112 | M56 New Junction 11a
To receive an update on the Reference Group meeting held on the 21 November. 112. M56 New J11a Reference Group Review Meeting Minutes – 21-11-2017 (002) |
113 | War Memorial Trust
To discuss the application for a grant towards the refurbishment costs and agree actions. |
114 | CWAC Community Assets Framework
To note that the consultation is open until 25 February. To discuss and agree a response. |
115 | Field Rental Applications
To discuss and agree any rental requests. |
116 | Clerk’s Items
Any information items since the agenda was circulated, or items for the next agenda. |
117 | Date of the next meeting: 20 February 2018 |