Community Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 7 (2017/18)

Community Committee Agenda 19.12.17 (7)

Community Committee Minutes 19.12.17 (7)


No Item
103 Apologies for Absence
104 Declaration of Interest
105 Minutes of Meeting 6 – 20.11.17

To approve and sign as a true record.

Community Committee Minutes 20.11.17 (6)

106 Opportunity for the Public to Speak
107 Defibrillator

To discuss options for the new site of the defibrillator currently at the Police Station.

108 Gritting Scheme

To discuss the scheme and agree actions.

109 Action Plan & Budget 2018-19

To discuss and agree the Action Plan for 2018-19 and the budget needed to achieve it.

109. Community Action Plan for 2018-19

109. Budget 2018-19

110 Play Areas
110.1 Park Lane
110.1a To receive an update on the ward meeting about the siting of the benches and agree any actions.
110.1b To discuss dog fouling in the area and agree actions.
110.2 Churchfields

To discuss the repairs report and agree any actions.

110.2 Churchfield Report

110.3 Townfield Lane

To note the minutes of the working group meeting held on 14 December and agree any actions.

111 Bank Closures

To discuss residents’ concerns over the reduction of local banking facilities and agree actions.

112 M56 New Junction 11a

To receive an update on the Reference Group meeting held on the 21 November.

112. M56 New J11a Reference Group Review Meeting Minutes – 21-11-2017 (002)

112. M56 Junction 11A_Reference Group Presentation_Nov 17

113 War Memorial Trust

To discuss the application for a grant towards the refurbishment costs and agree actions.

113. WMT Letter

114 CWAC Community Assets Framework

To note that the consultation is open until 25 February.  To discuss and agree a response.

114. community assets framework consultation document

115 Field Rental Applications

To discuss and agree any rental requests.

116 Clerk’s Items

Any information items since the agenda was circulated, or items for the next agenda.

117 Date of the next meeting:  20 February 2018
