Community Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 8 (2017/18)

Community Committee Agenda 20.02.18

Community Committee Minutes 20.02.18


No Item
118 Apologies for Absence
119 Declaration of Interest
120 Minutes of Meeting 7 – 19.12.17

To approve and sign as a true record.

Community Committee Minutes 19.12.17

121 Opportunity for the Public to Speak

Mr J Bell – Frodsham Junior Football Club update

122 Frodsham Junior Football Club

To discuss the presentation and agree actions.

123 Control of Dogs Order – CWAC Consultation.
123.1 To receive a presentation on the proposed Dog Control Order by CWAC Regulatory Services Officer Ms N Rose.

123. Dog Control Orders

123. 20171218-dogcontrolreviewquestionnairefinalweb.v01

123.2 To discuss the consultation and agree a response.
123.3 To discuss the implications for FTC’s play areas and agree actions.
124 Play Areas
124.1 Park Lane
124.1a To receive an update on the development and agree to get 3 quotes for the repairs to the wall.
124.1b To discuss and agree placing commemorative planters on the park.
124.2 Churchfields
124.2a To receive an update report and agree the revised recommendation to commission the resurfacing work @ £2,537+VAT including the ground works.
124.2b To note 3 quotes have been received for the work to remove the tunnel ranging from £450+VAT to £1350+VAT. To agree to commission the work.
124.3 Townfield Lane

To receive an update and agree any actions.

125 Annual Play Inspection

To agree to commission the Play Inspection Company to carry out the Annual Play Inspection at £325+VAT.

126 War Memorial Trust
126.1 To agree to appoint a conservation-accredited professional advisor (WMT grant requirement) @ £6,484+VAT
126.2 To note that listed building consent will be needed. The Advisor will submit an application to include the work to the Memorial and the gates & railings.
126.3 To discuss whether to hold a rededication service once the work is completed and refer to the Events Committee.
126.4 To discuss a request from WW1 Commemoration Working Group to install an information board about war dead not included on the Memorials and agree actions.

126.4 Information Board Request

126.5 To note that an estimate for the cost of putting in a hard 2m wide footpath from the car park to the War Memorial has been received (£23,400+VAT) and agree actions.
127 CWAC Community Assets Framework

To note that the consultation is open until 25 February.  To discuss and agree a response.

127. community assets framework consultation document

128 Christmas Tree Fence Storage & Maintenance

To discuss and agree the cost of storage and maintenance at £250+VAT per annum.

129 Best Kept Village 2018

To note that the deadline for entries is 9 March and agree to enter.

129. Hints for Entrants

129. BKV Form 2018

130 Grit Bin – Hayes Crescent

To discuss a request from CWAC Cllrs A Dawson and L Riley to pay for the annual filling of a grit bin @ £50 per annum that they will supply and agree actions.

131 Impact Day on Saltworks

To note that an Impact Day is being organised in the Spring and volunteers will be needed.

132 Over 70s Vouchers

To receive an update and agree actions.

133 Defibrillators
133.1 To discuss options for the new site of the defibrillator currently at the Police Station.
133.2 To discuss a proposal from Love Frodsham and District Taxis for a defibrillator service for rural areas and agree actions.
134 Clerk’s Items

Any information items since the agenda was circulated, or items for the next agenda.

135 Date of the next meeting:  17 April 2018
