Agenda – Meeting 8 (2017/18)
Community Committee Agenda 20.02.18
Community Committee Minutes 20.02.18
No | Item |
118 | Apologies for Absence |
119 | Declaration of Interest |
120 | Minutes of Meeting 7 – 19.12.17
To approve and sign as a true record. |
121 | Opportunity for the Public to Speak
Mr J Bell – Frodsham Junior Football Club update |
122 | Frodsham Junior Football Club
To discuss the presentation and agree actions. |
123 | Control of Dogs Order – CWAC Consultation. |
123.1 | To receive a presentation on the proposed Dog Control Order by CWAC Regulatory Services Officer Ms N Rose. |
123.2 | To discuss the consultation and agree a response. |
123.3 | To discuss the implications for FTC’s play areas and agree actions. |
124 | Play Areas |
124.1 | Park Lane |
124.1a | To receive an update on the development and agree to get 3 quotes for the repairs to the wall. |
124.1b | To discuss and agree placing commemorative planters on the park. |
124.2 | Churchfields |
124.2a | To receive an update report and agree the revised recommendation to commission the resurfacing work @ £2,537+VAT including the ground works. |
124.2b | To note 3 quotes have been received for the work to remove the tunnel ranging from £450+VAT to £1350+VAT. To agree to commission the work. |
124.3 | Townfield Lane
To receive an update and agree any actions. |
125 | Annual Play Inspection
To agree to commission the Play Inspection Company to carry out the Annual Play Inspection at £325+VAT. |
126 | War Memorial Trust |
126.1 | To agree to appoint a conservation-accredited professional advisor (WMT grant requirement) @ £6,484+VAT |
126.2 | To note that listed building consent will be needed. The Advisor will submit an application to include the work to the Memorial and the gates & railings. |
126.3 | To discuss whether to hold a rededication service once the work is completed and refer to the Events Committee. |
126.4 | To discuss a request from WW1 Commemoration Working Group to install an information board about war dead not included on the Memorials and agree actions. |
126.5 | To note that an estimate for the cost of putting in a hard 2m wide footpath from the car park to the War Memorial has been received (£23,400+VAT) and agree actions. |
127 | CWAC Community Assets Framework
To note that the consultation is open until 25 February. To discuss and agree a response. |
128 | Christmas Tree Fence Storage & Maintenance
To discuss and agree the cost of storage and maintenance at £250+VAT per annum. |
129 | Best Kept Village 2018
To note that the deadline for entries is 9 March and agree to enter. |
130 | Grit Bin – Hayes Crescent
To discuss a request from CWAC Cllrs A Dawson and L Riley to pay for the annual filling of a grit bin @ £50 per annum that they will supply and agree actions. |
131 | Impact Day on Saltworks
To note that an Impact Day is being organised in the Spring and volunteers will be needed. |
132 | Over 70s Vouchers
To receive an update and agree actions. |
133 | Defibrillators |
133.1 | To discuss options for the new site of the defibrillator currently at the Police Station. |
133.2 | To discuss a proposal from Love Frodsham and District Taxis for a defibrillator service for rural areas and agree actions. |
134 | Clerk’s Items
Any information items since the agenda was circulated, or items for the next agenda. |
135 | Date of the next meeting: 17 April 2018 |