Community Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 12 (2016/17)

Community Committee Agenda 16.05.17Community Committee Minutes 16.05.17

No Item
228 Apologies for absence
229 Declarations of Interest
230 Minutes of Meeting 11 – 11 April 2017

To approve and sign as a true record.

Community Committee Minutes 11.04.17

231 Opportunity for Public to Speak
232 Allotment

To discuss issues raised at the annual inspection with the Chairman of the Allotment Association and agree any actions.

233 Townfield Lane Play Area

Townfield Lane Play Inspection

233.1 To receive an update on the Lease negotiation and agree actions.
233.2 To agree additional hedge work to clear and tidy up fallen hawthorn hedging.
234 Park Lane

To receive an update from the Park Lane Group and agree any actions.

Park Lane Play Inspection

235 Red Lion Bowling Club

To agree the draft tenancy agreement and delegate TC to negotiate with RLBC.

235 Draft RLBC Lease

235 RLBC Lease Map

236 NW Ambulance Service

To agree to sign a Memorandum of Agreement with NWAS.

236 MoU AED.CPAD v2.1

237 Ship Street

To receive a report back and agree any actions.

238 Telephone boxes

To receive an update on the disposal of the 2 BT telephone boxes and to agree actions.

239 London Road Garden Extension Leases

To receive an update.

240 Field Hire

To review the Terms and conditions, and agree any changes.

240 Playing Fields Hire Form 2017To receive an update on contact with the circus and agree any actions.
To note the current list of bookings.

240 Field Bookings

241 Godscroft Lane

To discuss CWAC’s proposed speed reduction scheme and agree to match fund the costs of the scheme’s implementation.241 Godscroft Lane SLA

242 Children’s Community Garden

To receive and update and formally sign the area over to Environment Committee.

243 Over 70s Vouchers

To discuss a letter received from Cowards and agree actions.

244 Events in Frodsham

To discuss recent feedback and to agree an events protocol.244 st georges weekend activities complaints

244 Events Protocol

245 “Make it, Bake it, Grow it and Show it ” Show

To discuss a request for a donation towards the running costs.

246 Great Get Together

To discuss whether to get involved with this national event and agree actions.246 -Great-Get-Together

247 Memorial railings

To discuss the impact damage and agree actions.247 Photos of damage to Memorial Gates fence

248 Clerk’s updates

To note information items.

249 Next meeting

Tuesday 13 June 2017 (now amended to 20 June 2017)

Committee Members: Cllrs L Brown, C Ashton, D Critchley, J Critchley, L Jones, V Kirk, M Nield, A Oulton, F Pennington, M Poulton, F Sutton & P Williamson