Agenda – Meeting 12 (2016/17)
Community Committee Agenda 16.05.17Community Committee Minutes 16.05.17
No | Item |
228 | Apologies for absence |
229 | Declarations of Interest |
230 | Minutes of Meeting 11 – 11 April 2017
To approve and sign as a true record. |
231 | Opportunity for Public to Speak |
232 | Allotment
To discuss issues raised at the annual inspection with the Chairman of the Allotment Association and agree any actions. |
233 | Townfield Lane Play Area |
233.1 | To receive an update on the Lease negotiation and agree actions. |
233.2 | To agree additional hedge work to clear and tidy up fallen hawthorn hedging. |
234 | Park Lane
To receive an update from the Park Lane Group and agree any actions. |
235 | Red Lion Bowling Club
To agree the draft tenancy agreement and delegate TC to negotiate with RLBC. |
236 | NW Ambulance Service
To agree to sign a Memorandum of Agreement with NWAS. |
237 | Ship Street
To receive a report back and agree any actions. |
238 | Telephone boxes
To receive an update on the disposal of the 2 BT telephone boxes and to agree actions. |
239 | London Road Garden Extension Leases
To receive an update. |
240 | Field Hire
To review the Terms and conditions, and agree any changes. 240 Playing Fields Hire Form 2017To receive an update on contact with the circus and agree any actions. |
241 | Godscroft Lane
To discuss CWAC’s proposed speed reduction scheme and agree to match fund the costs of the scheme’s implementation.241 Godscroft Lane SLA |
242 | Children’s Community Garden
To receive and update and formally sign the area over to Environment Committee. |
243 | Over 70s Vouchers
To discuss a letter received from Cowards and agree actions. |
244 | Events in Frodsham
To discuss recent feedback and to agree an events protocol.244 st georges weekend activities complaints |
245 | “Make it, Bake it, Grow it and Show it ” Show
To discuss a request for a donation towards the running costs. |
246 | Great Get Together
To discuss whether to get involved with this national event and agree actions.246 -Great-Get-Together |
247 | Memorial railings
To discuss the impact damage and agree actions.247 Photos of damage to Memorial Gates fence |
248 | Clerk’s updates
To note information items. |
249 | Next meeting
Tuesday 13 June 2017 (now amended to 20 June 2017) |
Committee Members: Cllrs L Brown, C Ashton, D Critchley, J Critchley, L Jones, V Kirk, M Nield, A Oulton, F Pennington, M Poulton, F Sutton & P Williamson