Agenda – Meeting 9 (2017/18)
Environment Committee Agenda 01.05.18
Environment Committee Minutes 01.05.18
No | Item |
128 | Apologies for Absence |
129 | Declarations of Interest |
130 | Minutes of Meeting 8 held on 6 March 2018: Acceptance and signing. |
131 | Opportunity for the Public to Speak |
132 | Charter for Trees, Woods and People
To discuss the new guide and agree any actions. |
133 | Hob Hey Wood |
133.1 | To agree the quotation from TCV for the repairs to the boardwalks @ £1098.05+VAT. |
133.2 | To receive a verbal report on Volunteers meeting on 10 March and event on Sunday 22 April and agree any actions.
133.2-Summary-of-outcomes-from-the-Hob-Hey-Wood-consultation-event-at-Frodsham-Community-Centre |
133.3 | To agree to cut down 2 trees and use the wood to mark out pathways following advice from the Woodland Trust. |
133.4 | To discuss the Fields in Trust application and agree any actions. |
134 | Friends of Hob Hey Wood |
134.1 | To discuss and agree the draft Constitution for the Friends of Hob Hey Wood. |
134.2 | To discuss the relationship with this new group and the existing registered Charitable Trust and agree actions |
135 | Tree Matters |
135.1 | To discuss the quotations received for the hedge and tree work on Howey Lane and agree any actions. |
135.2 | To discuss any other issues and agree actions. |
136 | Community Orchards
To discuss any issues and agree any action. |
137 | Rights of Way |
137.1 | To receive an update form CWAC about Straight Length footpath and agree any actions. |
137.2 | To discuss a concern about sheep worrying in fields by Footpath 19 & 20 raised by a resident and agree any actions. |
137.3 | To receive a verbal update on the plans to close Footpath 26 and agree any actions. |
137.4 | To discuss any issues and agree actions. |
137 | Manley Copse
To receive a verbal update on the community planting event held Saturday 17 March and agree any actions. |
138 | Cheshire’s Sandstone Ridge
To receive an update on adding the logo to the strapline to the town boundary signs “Gateway to the Sandstone Ridge” and the revised costings and agree actions. |
139 | River Weaver Navigation Society
To agree to take out membership @ £7.50 per annum. |
140 | Clerk’s Items
Any other matters considered to be urgent for discussion, or item for next agenda. |
141 | Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 3 July at 7pm at Castle Park House. |