Environment Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 9 (2017/18)

Environment Committee Agenda 01.05.18

Environment Committee Minutes 01.05.18

No Item
128 Apologies for Absence
129 Declarations of Interest
130 Minutes of Meeting 8 held on 6 March 2018: Acceptance and signing.

Environment Committee Minutes 06.03.18

131 Opportunity for the Public to Speak
132 Charter for Trees, Woods and People

To discuss the new guide and agree any actions.


133 Hob Hey Wood
133.1 To agree the quotation from TCV for the repairs to the boardwalks @ £1098.05+VAT.
133.2 To receive a verbal report on Volunteers meeting on 10 March and event on Sunday 22 April and agree any actions.


133.3 To agree to cut down 2 trees and use the wood to mark out pathways following advice from the Woodland Trust.
133.4 To discuss the Fields in Trust application and agree any actions.


134 Friends of Hob Hey Wood
134.1 To discuss and agree the draft Constitution for the Friends of Hob Hey Wood.

134.1 Friends of Hob Hey Wood Constitution (Draft)

134.2 To discuss the relationship with this new group and the existing registered Charitable Trust and agree actions
135 Tree Matters
135.1 To discuss the quotations received for the hedge and tree work on Howey Lane and agree any actions.
135.2 To discuss any other issues and agree actions.
136 Community Orchards

To discuss any issues and agree any action.

137 Rights of Way
137.1 To receive an update form CWAC about Straight Length footpath and agree any actions.
137.2 To discuss a concern about sheep worrying in fields by Footpath 19 & 20 raised by a resident and agree any actions.
137.3 To receive a verbal update on the plans to close Footpath 26 and agree any actions.
137.4 To discuss any issues and agree actions.
137 Manley Copse

To receive a verbal update on the community planting event held Saturday 17 March and agree any actions.

138 Cheshire’s Sandstone Ridge

To receive an update on adding the logo to the strapline to the town boundary signs “Gateway to the Sandstone Ridge” and the revised costings and agree actions.

139 River Weaver Navigation Society

To agree to take out membership @ £7.50 per annum.

140 Clerk’s Items

Any other matters considered to be urgent for discussion, or item for next agenda.

141 Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 3 July at 7pm at Castle Park House.