Environment Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 1 (2017/18)

Environment Committee Agenda 06.06.17

Minutes of Environment Committee 06.06.17

No Item
1 To elect the Chair to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2018
2 To elect the Vice Chair to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2017
3 Terms of Reference for 2017-18
3.1 To note the Terms of Reference approved by council on 22 May.

3.1 Environment_ToR 2017-18

3.2 To review the budget and recommend any changes to council.
4 Apologies for Absence
5 Declarations of Interest
6 Minutes of Meeting 12 held on 2 May 2017: Acceptance & Signing

12 Environment Minutes 02.05.17

7 Matters Arising
8 Opportunity for the Public to Speak

Mrs Albeson & Mrs Lightfoot – Howey Lane

9 Howey Lane

To discuss the issues raised by Mrs Albeson & Mrs Lightfoot and agree any actions.

10 Tree Matters
10.1 To note the response from CWAC about the maintenance of the bank of mature trees on Red Lane leading up to the junction with Fluin lane.
10.2 Kemp tree on Castle Park – to receive an update.
10.3 Trinity Gardens – to note the advice given by Mr T Blundell.

10.3 Trinity Gardens5

10.4 Castle Park Tree Trail – to note the survey carried out by Mr T Blundell.

10.4 Castle Park requirements

11 Rights of Way Maintenance
11.1 NCRUG letter – to note the response from CWAC.
11.2 Footpaths – to discuss any issues and agree actions.
12 Manley Road Copse
12.1 To note that the fence has been built to fill the gap in the hedge.
12.2 To discuss plans for the Copse
12.3 To receive an update on the bench
13 Community Orchards
13.1 To discuss the extension plans for Ship Street and agree action.

13.1 Ship Street CC Plan

13.2 To discuss the schedule of grass cutting at the orchards and agree changes to the SLA.
14 Hob Hey Wood
14.1 Boardwalks – to note update on repairs.
14.2  5 year Plan – to receive an update.
15 Memorial Field

To note update on the poppy area.

16 Festival of Walks

To receive a report from the FFOW Working Group.

16. Festival of Walks 2017

17 Litter Picking
17.1 To receive a report back on the Salt Works event on 13 May.
17.2 To plan future events.
18 Crowmere

To discuss the quotations for biochemical oxygen demand testing and agree actions.

19 River Weaver Navigation Society

To receive feedback and agree any actions.

20 Air Quality

To note the ongoing consultation and this will be a substantive item on the next agenda.

21 UEOG Working Group

To note the date for the next meeting.

22 Clerk’s Items

Any other matters considered to be urgent for discussion, or item for next agenda

23 Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 4 July at 7pm at CPH.

Committee members: Cllr C Ashton, Cllr L Brown, Cllr V Kirk, Cllr P Martin, Cllr A Oulton, Cllr F Sutton & Cllr P Williamson