Environment Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 12 (2016/17)

Environment Committee Agenda 02.05.17

Environment Committee Minutes 02.05.17

Podcast of meeting


Item No.
205 Apologies for Absence
206 Declarations of Interest
207 Minutes of Meeting 11 held on 4 April 2017
Environment Committee Minutes 04.04.17

To approve and sign as a true record.

208 Opportunity for the Public to Speak
209 Unconventional Extraction of Gas & Oil (UEOG) Working Group
To note the next meeting is planned for 3 May at 7pm.
210 Tree Matters
To discuss any other issues and agree actions.
211 Rights of Way Maintenance
211.1 Blue Hatch – FP110
To discuss a letter from North Cheshire Rail Users’ Group regarding the footpath from Station Car Park to Blue Hatch and agree any actions.

Letter from North Cheshire Rail Users’ Group

211.2 CWAC Liaison
To receive an update on the joint visits to footpaths and agree any actions.
211.3 Footpaths
To consider matters which may have arisen on allocated paths and agree actions.
212 Hob Hey Wood
212.1 Boardwalks
To receive an update on progress with the improvement & repairs.
212.2 5 Year Development Plan
To receive the draft development of a plan and to discuss & agree any actions.
213 Community Orchards
213.1 Ship Street
To receive an update.

To discuss the plants for the extension to the community orchard – pears, plums, gages, cherries and perhaps figs – and agree actions.

213.2 Bowden Lock
To discuss the feedback from the Canal & River Trust and agree actions.
214 Festival of Walks
To receive a report on the FFOW.
215 Manley Road Copse
To discuss the site visit and agree any actions.
216 Crowmere
To receive an update on the netting of the fish.
217 Litter Picking
To discuss the arrangements for the litter picking sessions planned for Saturday 13 May and agree any actions.
218 River Weaver Navigation Society
To discuss correspondence from RWNS about developing a working relationship and to agree any actions.

Letter from Chair of River Weaver Navigation Society

219 Urgent Matters
To discuss anything that needs urgent action.
220 Item for next agenda
To agree items for the next agenda.
221 Dates of next meetings:
6 June.
