Events Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 1 (2019/20)

Events Committee Agenda 9-07-19

Events Committee Minutes 9-07-19


No Item
1 Appointment of Chair
2 Appointment of Deputy Chair
3 Apologies for absence
4 Declarations of Interest
5 Minutes of Meeting 4 – 26th March 2019

To approve and sign as a true record.

Events Committee Minutes 26-03-19

6 Opportunity for Public to Speak

No requests have been received by the Clerk.

7 Christmas Festival Working Group
7.1 To receive a report from Cllr J Critchley following the inaugural meeting on 25th June 2019.
7.2 To note the date of the next meeting
8 Remembrance Day  
8.1 To agree membership of the working group and date of first meeting.
9 Halloween Event

To agree membership of the working group and date of first meeting

10 Christmas Tree

To receive a report from the Clerk and agree action to be taken

11 New Year’s Eve Fireworks

To agree membership of the working group and date of first meeting

12 Festival of Walks
12.1 To note minutes of the meeting on 15 May 2019.

11. FOW19 Notes 15.05.19

12.2 To agree action to be taken
13 Small Business Saturday
13.1 To receive a report
13.2 To agree action to be taken
14 Events Sponsorship

To note cancellation of the barn dance organized by Frodsham Community Association and sponsored by FTC in the sum of £209 and approve request from FCA that the funds be used for an afternoon tea to celebrate 50th anniversary.

15 Field Rental Applications

To discuss any applications and agree any actions.

16 Clerk’s updates

To note information items.

17 Next meeting – 10th September 2019
18 Close of meeting
