Meeting 7 (2019/21)
This meeting is being held in accordance with Local Authorities and Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Crime Panels Meeting) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020
Members of the public are invited to join the meeting via Zoom. Please email the Clerk at by Wednesday 23 September at 10:00 am to obtain joining details. Castle Park House is not currently open to members of the public.
Events Committee Agenda 23-09-2020
Events Committee Draft Minutes 23-09-2020
Draft minutes and an audio recording will be made available as soon as possible after the meeting.
Audio Recording
Video Recording
87. Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance.
88. Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest.
89. Minutes of the Meeting 6 held on 13 July 2020
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
90. Opportunity for Public to Speak
91. Remembrance Day
91.1 To note the information and guidance provided by Cheshire West and Chester Council to include: the necessity to apply, by 25th September, to CWAC for permission to hold an event (COVID-19 regulations); the necessity to provide a full risk assessment for the event and provision of marshals, signage and sanitizing stations.
91. Remembrance Day Event Guidance v6
91. Remembrance Sunday during covid – organiser communication v1 (002)
91. COVID Risk Assessment Considerations v4
91.2 To consider whether FTC are able to meet COVID-19 requirements in order to hold the event this year.
92. Christmas Event
92.1 To receive a report from Cllr J Critchley.
92.2 To agree action to be taken.
93. New Year’s Eve Celebrations
93.1 To note quotation received for a firework display from 7.30pm on 31st December, same format as last year.
93.2 To agree action to be taken.
94. Information Leaflet
94.1 To note quotations received for 5000 information leaflets to be delivered quarterly by volunteers from Churches Together.
94.2 To agree action to be taken.
95.Clerk’s Items
To receive any urgent items from the Clerk and agree any actions to be taken.
96. Date of Next Meeting
To be confirmed.