Meeting 3 (2022/23)
3. Events Draft Minutes 11-10-2022
22. Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance.
23. Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest.
24. Minutes of meeting 2 held on 2nd August 2022
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
25. Opportunity for public to speak
Members of the public are invited to address Cllrs on items which are on the agenda.
26. Halloween event
To finalise arrangements for an event to be held on 29th October at Frodsham Community Centre.
27. Remembrance Day
To consider arrangement for Remembrance Day 2022 and agree attendance.
28. Christmas Working Group update
To give an update on the Christmas Working group.
29. Christmas lights
To approve the appointment of KDE to check the Christmas lights, provide on-site assistance at the switch-on and monitor and maintain the lights during the Christmas period.
30. Frodsham care homes
To consider some provision for the local care homes at Christmas.
31. Future planning
- To consider plans for the remainder of 2022/23
- To consider plans for 2023/24
32. Clerk’s report
To receive a report from the Town Clerk.
33. Date of Next Meeting
6th December 2022.