Events Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 7 (2017/18)

Events Committee Agenda 8.05.18

Events Committee Minutes 8.05.18

No Item
101 Apologies for absence
102 Declarations of Interest
103 Army Cadet Force

Presentation by the Detachment Commander.

104 Opportunity for Public to Speak

No requests have been received by the Clerk.

105 Minutes of Meeting 6 – 13.05.18

To approve and sign as a true record.

Events Committee Minutes 13.03.18

106 End of Year
To note the end of year actual spend against budget figures.End of year actuals
107 Terms of Reference

To agree the revised Terms of Reference for 2018-19.

Draft TOR Events 2018-19

108 Festival of Walks Working Group

To receive a verbal report on the Festival.

109 Annual Town Meeting

To note the draft minutes of the meeting held on 26 March 2018.

110 Town Meeting
110.1 To note that the Parish Hall has been booked for the Town Meeting on Saturday 7 July.
110.2 To discuss the draft agenda and agree actions.
111 Royal Wedding Events
111.1 To discuss and agree to support the Townfield Lane Launch Event on 19 May @ £50.
111.2 To receive an update on any other community events that have been planned and agree any actions.
112 Halloween Event

To receive an update from the Working Group and agree any actions.

113 Remembrance Day & Beacon Lighting Event

To note the meeting of Remembrance Day Working will be on 23 May at 6pm at Frodsham Library.

114 Christmas Festival Working Group

To note the next meeting of the Working Group will be on 9 May at 2pm at Castle Park House.

115 Event Sponsorship

To discuss any sponsorship applications and agree actions.

116 Playing Field Rentals

To discuss and agree to any applications.

117 Terms of Reference 2018-19

To agree the Terms of Reference and recommend them to Council.

118 Clerk’s updates

To note information items.

119 Next meeting

Tuesday 10 July 2018
