Events Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 6 (2017/18)

Events Committee Agenda 13.03.18

Events Committee Minutes 13.03.18


No Item
83 Apologies for absence
84 Declarations of Interest
85 Opportunity for Public to Speak

No requests have been received by the Clerk.

86 Minutes of Meeting 4 – 9.01.18

To approve and sign as a true record.

Events Committee Minutes 9.01.18

87 Minutes of Meeting 5 – 1.02.18

To approve and sign as a true record.

Extraordinary Events Committee Minutes 1.02.18

88 Freestyle Fireworks Ltd
To discuss the type of fireworks available for public display and agree any actions.
89 Festival of Walks Working Group

To note the minutes of the Working Group held on 11 & 25 January and 9 & 23 February & 8 March and the decisions taken.

89. FOW18 Minutes 11.01.18

89. FOW18 Minutes 25.01.18

89. FOW18 Minutes 09.02.18

89. FOW18 Minutes 23.02.18

7. FOW18 Minutes 08.03.18

90 Annual Town Meeting
90.1 To note that the notice for the ATM to be held on Monday 26 March has been published.
90.2 To discuss the agenda and agree any actions.

90.1 ATM Agenda 26.03.18

91 Town Meeting


To discuss and agree a date, time and venue for a Town Meeting during the Period of public right of inspection (27 June to 7 August 2018).
91.2 To discuss items that FTC would like to see on the agenda and agree actions.
91.3 To discuss setting up a Working Group to organise the meeting and agree a first meeting date.
92 Royal Wedding Events

To receive an update on any community events that have been planned and agree any actions.

93 Halloween Event

To receive an update from the Working Group and agree any actions.

94 Remembrance Day & Beacon Lighting Event

To note the minutes of the meeting held on 7 March, the decisions made and agree any actions.

180307 Remembrance Working Group minutes

95 Christmas Festival Working Group

To note the minutes of the Working Group held on 7 March at 2pm and the decision taken.

180307 CFPG Minutes – draft

96 Event Sponsorship

To discuss any sponsorship applications and agree actions.

97 Playing Field Rentals
97.1 To receive verbal feedback on the meeting with FCA.
97.2 To discuss and agree the booking form.

97.2 Playing Fields Hire Form 2018-19

97.2 Community Field Map

97.3 To discuss and agree to any applications.
98 Advertising

To agree to advertise events in Frodsham each month in Frodsham Life – a full page @ £350+VAT or a half page @ £200+VAT.

99 Clerk’s updates

To note information items.

100 Next meeting

Tuesday 8 May 2018
