Agenda – Meeting 6 (2017/18)
Events Committee Agenda 13.03.18
Events Committee Minutes 13.03.18
No | Item |
83 | Apologies for absence |
84 | Declarations of Interest |
85 | Opportunity for Public to Speak
No requests have been received by the Clerk. |
86 | Minutes of Meeting 4 – 9.01.18
To approve and sign as a true record. |
87 | Minutes of Meeting 5 – 1.02.18
To approve and sign as a true record. |
88 | Freestyle Fireworks Ltd To discuss the type of fireworks available for public display and agree any actions. |
89 | Festival of Walks Working Group
To note the minutes of the Working Group held on 11 & 25 January and 9 & 23 February & 8 March and the decisions taken. |
90 | Annual Town Meeting |
90.1 | To note that the notice for the ATM to be held on Monday 26 March has been published. |
90.2 | To discuss the agenda and agree any actions. |
91 | Town Meeting |
To discuss and agree a date, time and venue for a Town Meeting during the Period of public right of inspection (27 June to 7 August 2018). |
91.2 | To discuss items that FTC would like to see on the agenda and agree actions. |
91.3 | To discuss setting up a Working Group to organise the meeting and agree a first meeting date. |
92 | Royal Wedding Events
To receive an update on any community events that have been planned and agree any actions. |
93 | Halloween Event
To receive an update from the Working Group and agree any actions. |
94 | Remembrance Day & Beacon Lighting Event
To note the minutes of the meeting held on 7 March, the decisions made and agree any actions. |
95 | Christmas Festival Working Group
To note the minutes of the Working Group held on 7 March at 2pm and the decision taken. |
96 | Event Sponsorship
To discuss any sponsorship applications and agree actions. |
97 | Playing Field Rentals |
97.1 | To receive verbal feedback on the meeting with FCA. |
97.2 | To discuss and agree the booking form. |
97.3 | To discuss and agree to any applications. |
98 | Advertising
To agree to advertise events in Frodsham each month in Frodsham Life – a full page @ £350+VAT or a half page @ £200+VAT. |
99 | Clerk’s updates
To note information items. |
100 | Next meeting
Tuesday 8 May 2018 |