Events Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 1 (2018/19)

Events Committee Agenda 10.07.18

Events Committee Minutes 10.07.18


No Item
1 Appointment of Chair
2 Appointment of Deputy Chair
3 Apologies for absence
4 Declarations of Interest
5 Minutes of Meeting 7 – 8.05.18

To approve and sign as a true record.

5. Events Minutes 8.05.18

6 Opportunity for Public to Speak

No requests have been received by the Clerk.

7 Christmas Festival Working Group
7.1 To note the minutes of the meeting held on 18 May and the decisions made.

7.1 180509 CFPG minutes

7.2 To note the next meeting of the Working Group will be on 11 July at 2pm at Castle Park House.
8 Remembrance Day Working Group                 
8.1 To note the minutes of the meetings held on 23 May, 6 June and 3 July and the decisions made.

8.1 Remembrance Day Working Group MINUTES 230518

8.1 Remembrance Day Working Group MINUTES 060618

8.1 Remembrance Day Working Group Minutes 030718

8.2 To note the next meeting of the Working Group will be on 4 September at 6pm at Castle Park House.
9 Halton Curve Opening Event

To discuss and agree sponsorship and involvement in the opening event.

10 Town Meeting

To receive a verbal report on the meeting and agree any actions.

11 Halloween Event

To receive an update from the Working Group and agree any actions.

12 Christmas Tree

To discuss the size of the tree and agree potential suppliers.

13 New Year’s Eve Fireworks

To agree to extend the contract for another year @ £2,000+VAT

14 Festival of Walks
14.1 To note the minutes of the meeting held on 17 May and the decisions made.

14.1 FOW18 Minutes 17.05.18

14.2 To note the next meeting of the Working Group will be on 11 October at 9.30am at Castle Park House.
15 Events Sponsorship

To discuss any applications and agree actions.

16 Field Rental Applications

To discuss any applications and agree any actions.

17 Clerk’s updates

To note information items.

18 Next meeting

Tuesday 11 September.
